Pastor Mrs Martha Kure Sends Message of Hope to Nigerians in the Face of Coronavirus Pandemic

Pastor Mrs. Martha Kure of Throneroom Trust Ministry has sent message of hope and encouragement to Nigerians in the face of the dreaded Coronavirus Pandemic that has killed many globally.

She also called on Nigerians to adhere strictly to all medical advises given by world health bodies and look up to God.

“Let the fire of intercession go up from your altar as incense to the Lord and spread in the atmosphere to stop the ravishing of lives. We are the light and salt of the earth, you are therefore appointed to be hope to the world because Christ is in you. Darkness can not over run the world because we are here.” She said.

Her message sent to Viewpoint Nigeria is as seen below:


We are witnesses of the impact of Coronavirus in all sectors of human services and lives.The effect is gross as we see and hear of deaths uncountable and the fear of death is tying a dark knot in many hearts. This is like scripture has recorded in Revelation 6.

This is one of the Scriptures the Lord gave me: 1st Thessalonians 5. Do not live in fear but in God’s promises, you are sealed unto salvation.

Let our compassion go up in intercession for dying and living souls to be reconciled to God. Let the fire of intercession go up from your altar as incense to the Lord and spread in the atmosphere to stop the ravishing of lives. We are the light and salt of the earth, you are therefore appointed to be hope to the world because Christ is in you. Darkness can not over run the world because we are here.

Yes the Lord has told us what will be at the end of times and also made provision for a door of escape which is Jesus. Let’s pray for souls to see the precious finished work of calvary.

As you obey the medical advice given by Health organizations and bodies concerned, let’s all rise in high Spirit of the Most High to contend for souls…The world will never be the same after this Coronavirus Pandemic.

Finally Brethren. stay in the Ark of Salvation, there the Blood answers at the door post of your soul.

Replace the bad news with the good news ofthe Gospel of our Lord Jesus.

Strengthen the brethren. Read the chapter 1st Thessalonians 5.

The Lord’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

Quench not the Spirit, keep burning in Faith. The Lord is at hand.


Pastor Martha Kure.

Throneroom Trust Ministry

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Pastor Mrs Martha Kure Sends Message of Hope to Nigerians in the Face of Coronavirus Pandemic

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.