Military Personnel Stations Military Trucks in Dura Du Jos South LGA, Restricts Movement Causing Panic

Viewpoint Nigeria has confirmed the presence of Armed Military Personnel in Dura Du ‘B’ Ward Du District of Jos South Local Government Area in Plateau State.

The Military Personnel were sited in the mentioned area with Military Trucks and have restricted movement into and out of the community.

Residents said they are uncomfortable with such when no military intervention was requested by them putting into account the attacks that took place in Latya and Loh-Pandet where 11 persons including a two years old girl were gruesomely murdered in a commando style by gunmen suspected to be Killer Herdsmen in military uniforms.

The people are calling on all security agencies to desist from any activity capable of creating more tension which will further traumatize the people who presently live in constant fear.

“The presence of the Military men and their trucks are creating fears, panic and apprehension in us” a Resident said.

“We don’t know why they are here, we are scared and not comfortable with their presence” another Resident opined.

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Military Personnel Stations Military Trucks in Dura Du Jos South LGA, Restricts Movement Causing Panic

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.