Failure to  pass Right to food bill by the National Assembly could cause calamity to Nigeria, says Plateau Speaker

Failure to  pass Right to food bill by the National Assembly could cause calamity to Nigeria, says Plateau Speaker

By Golok  Nanmwa ,Jos

 Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly Joshua Madaki has called on the members of the National Assembly to pass the Right to food bill which is at the Second reading before them, saying failure of the passage of the bill could cause calamity to Nigeria as a Nation.

He said Right to food is next to right to life as such the National Assembly members should exercise their responsibility without  allowing hunger to killed Nigerians citizens.

Madaki stated this on Tuesday at the Plateau State House of Assembly complex when a large number of the members of civil Society Legislative and Advocacy Centre visited the State Assembly on a National Campaign on Legislation of the Right to food in Nigeria.

The Plateau State Speaker who received the civil societies group in company with the Principal officers of the house including other lawmakers said looking at the alarming population of Nigerians, the Right to food must be given to the citizens of Nigeria.

“Today the entire House of Assembly members are here to welcome you on this courtesy visit, the Plateau State House Assembly is not only objectively oriented, but first when it comes to Right of its citizens.

“We want to assure you that the Plateau State House of Assembly  will support your voice by also calling on the National Assembly to expedite action on this bill that is critical to the existence of citizens of Nigeria, as soon as it comes to the level where two third requirement is needed our support should be counted first amongst the State Houses of Assembly of the federation”.

“On our part as members of the 8th Assembly in  Plateau State, we will fulfilled what we have promised you today”.

Hon. Madaki however call on all the State Houses of Assembly to also take the good path by supporting the bill with their own two third passage when it comes to their part.

Earlier the Programme Manager of the  Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC)  Mr Salaudeen Hashim said food is a basic right of every citizens and call on the State Assembly members to ensure that the food to right bill is pass by the National Assembly.

He said policies of government on food which is a right of citizens is always given a lesser emphasis in the country.

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Failure to  pass Right to food bill by the National Assembly could cause calamity to Nigeria, says Plateau Speaker

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.