Plateau govt, stakeholders brainstorm to end killings

Plateau govt, stakeholders brainstorm to end killings

By Golok Nanmwa ,Jos

Plateau state government and stakeholders from  the state on Monday brainstormed in order to end the cycle of violence in the state .

Speaking at the peace and security conference in the state organized by the Plateau peace building agency with the theme Resurgence of Violent Attacks in Plateau state ,forging a multi stakeholders in partnership for peace and security ,the state governor Simon Lalong said “It gives me great pleasure to be here in the company of some of the most critical players in our states architecture for Peace and security.  ”

“It is with sadness that I remember the lives we have lost as a result of the systematic attacks which punctuated the peaceful coexistence of our citizens in some Local Government Areas of the State in the last one month. “We continue to commiserate with all those who have lost their loved ones and will continue to lend support to those IDPs who have lost their homes and livelihood as a result of these violent attacks. ”

“I am particularly saddened by the fact that some of the modest successes we have recorded in our collective efforts to build Peace within the last three years, have been undermined by agents of destabilization and enemies of Peace. “”We shall not however despair and neither shall we relent in our commitment to tackle the challenges of peace and security regardless of the evil machinations of those who have sworn to take us back to our gory past.”

Lalong also said “The Theme of this conference- “Resurgence of Violent Attacks in Plateau State: Forging a Multi-stakeholder Partnership for Peace and Security” is quite apt. The conference is indeed part of governments broader effort to explore, sustain and expand on the momentum for security provision and peace building within the framework of the Peace Building Agencys Five-Year Strategic Plan. “You are very much aware that Peace and security have always been at the top of our Policy Thrust, and it will continue to be our major preoccupation until we succeed in breaking the conflict trap, and thus reversing the ugly trend for the collective good of our citizens. This I assure you is something that is achievable as we cooperate and collectively work towards same.”

He also said “You will recall that the Plateau State Roadmap to Peace was launched by Mr. President  Muhammmdu Buhari early this year.” This document is our Strategic Framework for preventing the outbreak of violent conflicts through the detection of early warning signs of conflict and the facilitation of systematic dialogue. The implementation of this document which speaks to a wide range of conflict issues will help transform the conditions that give rise to violence, and at the same time help build trust and confidence among our people. These are no doubt key ingredients for building durable Peace.”

“Similarly, our administration is committed to implementing the white paper from the Berom and Fulani Peace Committee. We believe this is also a panacea for building inclusive Peace, based on the recommendations of the conflict parties. In addition to this, I recently constituted and inaugurated two separate committees to work on the safe return and resettlement of all IDPs to their homes in the one hand, and in the other, provide for the immediate humanitarian needs of the victims of the crisis with a view to saving lives and maintaining the dignity of the human person. ”

“Today we are here to in a very clear and symbolic way, commence the implementation of the Road Map to Peace document which was launched earlier in the year. This multi level strategic peace and security engagement will ensure with the commitment of all stakeholders, that our plan for peace and security in Plateau state succeeds. ”

I believe you are here because you want to be a part of the solution and not the problem.  As we move in this direction, we must be ready to do extra ordinary things as a demonstration of our desire to challenge wrong assumptions and repair broken relationships. ”

“We should see our roles in this conference as a tree planting event which will grow for the benefit of our children and generations yet unborn.  As we proceed in this direction, lets be steadfast in our resolve to live together in Peace while working for a future where the sun shines brighter over our mountains.” As a people we know that the rarest flowers are those that have shown resilience to grave difficulty; I can confidently say that we all have shown such resilience and I will not hesitate from urging you to continue in this direction with an indomitable will.”

The Governor also said “Let me thank Professor Monday Mangvwat  the former Vice chancellor of Unijos for setting the tone of this conference with his key note address. I am always fascinated by his deep thoughts and insights on social and economic issues at the local and national levels. I must also recognize the roles that NGOs, the Civil Society and International Non-Governmental Organizations have been playing in supporting our efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts in Plateau state. 

I am particularly grateful to you for establishing partnerships with the Plateau Peace Building Agency. We count on such collaborative partnerships to help deliver on the promise of peace and security as there are limits to what the government can do, to prevent violent incidences of the kind we have seen in recent times. This is why the ‘Justice and Security Dialogue’, an intervention project of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) which I have the honor of launching today is indeed very timely. I understand this project would be implemented by the USIP in conjunction with the Plateau Peace Building Agency.  

Lalong also said “I  thank the Embassy of the United States of America in Abuja Nigeria for your support to the government and people of Plateau state. I remain confident of the future because of your commitment to supporting local initiatives for Peace and also for helping to position our Peace Building Agency on a sound footing. ”

As we match forward together in our renewed efforts to secure the lives and property of our citizens, I urge all of us as stakeholders to rededicate ourselves to the cause of Peace by committing to dialogue and mutual cooperation; these are two important elements upon which our desire to turn a new leaf can be effectively realized.  “

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Plateau govt, stakeholders brainstorm to end killings

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.