Dr Bapigaan Audu cautions Youths not  to allow themselves to be used by others to constitute threat to public peace 

Dr Bapigaan Audu cautions Youths not  to allow themselves to be used by others to constitute threat to public peace 

By Golok Nanmwa ,Jos

Member representing Young Men,s Christian Association YMCA Central Working Committee of Plateau Youth Council Dr Bapigaan  Williams Audu  on Friday cautioned Youths of Plateau not to be used to constitute threat to Public Peace 

We must not allow ourselves to be used by others to constitute threat to public peace or in the subversion of the electoral preferences of our people ,it is time to turn the other leaf and begin to act deliberately and conscientiously ,we must be wise and strategic .

Youths across globe are taking over ,from France to Austria ,Canada to Saudi Arabia ,the story is the same ,from sports and entertainment to science  technology ,ICT ,Wealth creation ,healthcare ,literature ,there is no single field of endeavour that does not have young persons making meaningful impact ,all these achievements can be brought to bear into politics but the passion should  not   be to amass personal wealth at society’s expense ,but rather to provide service based leadership without title .

He made this known in his appreciation of support  speech to commemorate the ist anniversary of the return of Plateau Youth Council held at Azi  Nyako  Youth center in Jos

I want to thank the President Muhammadu Buhari for granting Nigeria Youths the best democracy day present with his announcement of granting Presidential assent to the bill ,a promises which he has now fulfilled ,we are grateful sir ,

I join my voice to those of millions of young people across hr country in appreciating our legislators across the state and national assemblies for seeing to the speedy passage of the #NoTooYoungToRun #bill into law .

As the 2019 elections draw closer ,I encourage all young  persons seeking elective positions to freely exercise their constitutionally guaranteed rights and privileges within the ambits of the law ,however we must approach politicking with a different mindset to that held by those before us ,we must not be desperate to win at all costs , we must not reduce running for office to sharing money or character assassinations  .the monetization of politics must end with our generation ,we must be seen to be playing by the rules ,we must practice politics with decorum and respect for our opponents .

I call on government at all levels to continue to give security of lives and property the utmost attention and interventions it deserves ,it is highly disheartening that people are killed daily in tens and hundreds in our nation ,citizens must continue to partner with relevant security agencies in helping them in discharging their duties by co  operating  with them .

I commiserate with my brothers and sisters in Bass a ,Barkin Ladi ,Bokkos,other parts of Plateau and Nigeria currently affected by these murderous rampages .

I call on government ,security agencies and the international community to see that Leah Sharibu who was amongst the 111 abducted girls taken from Government Science and Technical college Dapchi Yobe state on 19th February 2018 regains her freedom ,no one should be victimized because of the faith he or she professes .

Exactly a year ago,the yearnings of Youths across the state was finally placated with elections and subsequent inaugurations into both the executive and central working committees of the Plateau Youth council ,that watershed event has ushered a new dawn for the youths .

Having spent a year on the council ,I deem it needful to give a synopsis of happenings over the 365 days 

Bapigaan said “I remain grateful to Gov Simon Lalong of Plateau state and patron of the Plateau Youth Council for keeping to his pre election promise of reviving the council .

Plateau Youths would never forget the pivotal roles played by several government officials both appointed and elected towards ensuring that the Plateau Youth Council is revived to take its pride of place .

The Youths on the Plateau deserve special attention for our patience ,perseverance  ,doggedness and  resilience all through those dark days ,our Joy is now complete with the return into place of all structures of the council ,the onus now lies on us to complement government,s efforts by driving the process further and ensuring that the very essence of our being on the council is best served .

We must now rise above divisions and continue to demand for our lot ,inferiority complex and low self esteem should have no place in our heads ,we must be confident yet not arrogant ,wise yet not haughty ,humble yet not docile ,my gratitude also goes to the leadership and composition of the Young Men,s Christian Association who resolutely behind our yearnings for a just social order 

The central working committee as an independent arm of the council statutorily saddled with the power of making and enforcing laws has come under siege from forces both within and without ,these forces do not wish to see that the extant provisions of the constitution of the council are respected or adhered to ,it is rather curious that the very document they seek to rubbish ,such impunity must not be allowed to fester ,we must be respecters of the law no matter how highly or lowly placed we think or know we are .

The happenings in the youth council over the past twelve months have vindicated the position majority of you seated here took in standing against all odds in ensuring that track record ,integrity and merit remain the tripod upon which any strong institution is built ,we stood for and continue to symbolise integrity and truth over monetary or immediate gains . 

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Dr Bapigaan Audu cautions Youths not  to allow themselves to be used by others to constitute threat to public peace 

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.