Myriads of Nigeria’s Problems Outcome of Bad Governance – Dr. Oby Ezekwesili

Former Minister of Education Dr. Oby Ezekwesille  on Thursday attributed myriad of problems confronting the nation including insecurity to bad governance which she said must not be allowed to continue if the nation is to move forward.


Dr. Ezekwesille who stated this during the launching of Red card Movement for North Central in Jos the Plateau State capital  tasked Nigerians irrespective of creed, tribal and religion affiliations to brace up and resist bad governance which breed all form of ills in the society.


According to her, Nigerians should be able to resist bad governance by given those behind such a red card as another election is fast approaching adding that this is possible because the office of the citizens is more important than any political office because power is derived from the office of the citizen.


In her words  “Citizen has the right to elect who will govern them to avoid dismal performance; we need to reassess and revalidate ourselves to know what we are not doing right. The time has come for us to question the quality and integrity of those political parties are giving to us to elect.


“Citizens are saying by this red card enough is enough of bad governance. The offices of the citizens are more important and viable to effect a change, so we must be able to exercise the power embedded in the office to do away with bad governance.


“There is no reason why poverty and insecurity should pervade our land; all these are signs of bad governance which we must use our citizen office to correct. There is no reason why life should have no value. We are saying people should be able to determine who govern them. So in the coming election, we are going to determine the quality of leaders from the top to the lowest level”


She said the time has come for people to know that they have enormous power because it is through them that power of the president is derived including that of the senate president, Speaker among others.


Don’t let anybody fool you to think that you are powerless, you are not, you are powerful beyond measure. If you don’t occupy your citizen office you will continue to have bad governance”


In her address, Aisha Yusuf said a stable society is a society that is stable and charged Nigerians to be ready to exercise their civic responsibility in the coming election wisely adding that without this, the nation will continue to move in cycle.


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Myriads of Nigeria’s Problems Outcome of Bad Governance – Dr. Oby Ezekwesili

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.