We are making Jos the technological hub of Africa – David daser (nhub)


David Daser is from pankshin local government, Mupun by tribe and a computer guru who is building a technological hub in Jos. He is the CEO of the nHub. Ever wonder what activities is carried out by this local Jos base global company? In this brief interview with Longgul dakwom of ViewPointNigeria , David Daser. explains the mandate of n Hub and the future of n hub.

Details below ;
Tell us about your organization, the work you do at n Hub ?

Well, nHub is engineering focused. Our intention to building tech products for the markets of Lagos, Abuja and major cities in Nigeria and African at large has evolved, Jos Is blessed with massive youth presence, most of which are un-employed. Over three years we have been re-skilling these youths into becoming software craftsmen, however the next challenge is how to go about it. Do we just get them Jobs in Lagos or Abuja or PH? We thought that would also be robbing the state of these talents, capital flight? And also because we want these trained youths to be mentors to upcoming youths, sending them out is not going to sustain the ecosystem. Our best bet is to offer them on remote placements, knowing that we would still have them to inspire the next cohorts. So we took this option. This year alone we receive calls on daily basis for their service. Our goal is to breed the best software engineers in Africa and with our business mode. Jos will become the next stop place for developers and great products. So we have created a new office, same building with nHub. nHub was originally occupying the third floor of that building. We have added the second floor (not all of it, but we would be occupying all of it soon).

Tell us about what an outsourcing centre means to the tech world?

The outsourcing center is meant for only developers who have been on boarded for remote jobs. It’s a centre that get to train developers and sent them out to companies around the world, so far we have many who are resident in Jos but work for companies abroad, we also train young computer science graduates with hands-on skills to withstand the global tech sector.

What will be the structure now with the new office launch today?

Ok , While the third floor is for training and entrepreneurship activities. Kitchen is also launched today, we want all focus to be at the hub.

So, is there any grant to this company, how do you sustain it?

Without grant, one of nHub’s strategy at becoming sustainable and also to become the biggest innovation hub in Africa in terms of human capital is in the outsourcing of its tech community to various tech companies in Nigeria. Lately, a lot of requests have been coming for our developers to work remotely and in some cases to work onsite. As it is right now, we have about 32 remote developers developing for companies within and outside the country, because of this demand we are improving and continuing our fellowship program to be able to service this demands. This is the reason why we established our tech outsourcing business as another arm of the hub, so that while the hub continues its usual entrepreneurship activities and training, this arm handles the remote hire and onsite demands of most companies coming in on a daily basis. Our last fellowship program has proven successful as placements are getting real. We are also lunching our kitchen to cater for the demand of this developers and visitors coming to the hub. In summary we are experiencing organic growth. We are also making nHub a one-stop place for Artificial intelligence services as we are currently grooming our engineers and researchers into becoming AIl experts. It means we would start providing AlI services to the entire world.

What is your final comment as you launch this initiative today?

Today, we are inviting policy makers, government executives, top executives of the private companies in Plateau state in a cocktail for the launching of the outsourcing centre. Our intention is to move for policies that would favour entrepreneurship and also our business of outsourcing. The toast would be issued by Mr. Segun Oruame, the CEO of Qitech Technologies Ltd on the topic “The future of Work”, a way to explaining to policy makers and invited guest what nHub is trying to achieve with the gruesome unemployment rate in the state and country, Hoping that their supports would take us a long way.

photos  of nhub

photos speak

Thanks for speaking to ViewpointNigeria

check for the video component of the launch at viewpointnigria TVon youtube

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We are making Jos the technological hub of Africa – David daser (nhub)

| Interviews, Technology |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic