PLHA Approves Extension of Tenure of Transition Committee by One Month

Information reaching Viewpoint Nigeria has it that the Plateau State House of Assembly has approved the Governor’s request to extend the tenure of the Local Government Transition Committee by one Month.

Their tenure elapsed without Local Government elections to replace them.

Elections were supposed to hold in February 17th, 2018 but were postponed on security grounds.

Though the members had to cut short their period of recess to attend to the request from the Executive Governor, Barr. Simon Bako Lalong.

A cross section of the public observed that it is obvious the Plateau State Independent Electoral Commission (PLASIEC) is not ready to conduct the Local Government Polls considering the unconstitutional, illegal and continuous extension of the tenure of the Local Government Transition Committee. They said it is a broad day rape of democracy at the grassroot since those handling the affairs at the Local Government levels are appointed, not elected to reflect the true mandate of the people.

The public frowned at the Plateau State House of Assembly for allowing itself to be used to promote impunity and breach of the constitution instead of protecting and promoting same.

Most of the people said there have been no development at the Local Government level on account of the continuous appointment of Transition Committee instead of elected representatives.

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PLHA Approves Extension of Tenure of Transition Committee by One Month

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.