Youth coalition of Nigeria (Y.C.N); a body of youth NGOs through one of its youth groups, One Nigeria youth group and organizers of One Nigeria Festival has said on Monday that the Minister of youths and sports development, Barrister Solomon Dalung has proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be of great blessing to his state Plateau State of Nigeria and the nation at large.

This came as a result of a recent meeting in plateau State, where news men of media Nigeria, representatives of YCN and one Nigeria youths meet with hundreds of youths who professed to be beneficiaries of Solomon Dalung’s youth empowerment program. The youths who also have benefited greatly from Dalung’s empowerment package, could not hold their joy as they gladly testify to the fact that program brought to them by Minister Dalung has given them a better standard of living.

YCN coordinator and One Nigeria festival event CEO, Mr Oku on behalf of the youth groups in Nigeria u

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.