Rep. I. D. Gyang Condemns Killing in His Constituency, Nding Loh Barkin Ladi, Plateau State

The member representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency at the National Assembly, Barr. I. D. Gyang has condemned the attack that led to the killings of 8 of his Constituents in Nding Loh Community, Fan District of Barkin Ladi LGA in Plateau. The member called the killings inhuman, wicked, irrational and ungodly.

In a Press Statement signed by him and made available to viewpoint Nigeria, Rep. Barr. I. D. Gyang said the attacks and killings are orchestrated and aimed at ethnic cleansing.

The statement is as shown below;


The deadly attack back home at Nding that left seven dead the night of Sunday 08/04/18 is another spiral of orchestrated ethnic cleansing and share wickedness. This is man’s inhumanity to his fellow men. It is ungodly!
No community can suffer the quantum of depopulation by tens and hundreds from killer herdsmen as has been the case with B/Ladi-Riyom that won’t be categorised as ethnic cleansing.

This is further worsened by the occupation of the ancestral habitat and farmlands of the communities displaced by the violent attacks.
The government must rise to its constitutional responsibility of safeguarding the lives and property of law abiding citizens.
Leaders and people of conscience of all ethnic nationalities residing in B/Ladi-Riyom must rise in unison against persons who carry out violent attacks and embrace conduct that will engender peaceful coexistence.

While praying for peace in our land, I appeal to our communities to heed the scripture that admonishes us to WATCH & PRAY.

Rep ID Gyang.

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Rep. I. D. Gyang Condemns Killing in His Constituency, Nding Loh Barkin Ladi, Plateau State

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.