The Management of JayFm Jos, Plateau State has vowed to take the case if the abduction of Mbum Ferdinand, a Sports Presenter/Journalist attached to it.

Mr. Ferdinand was alleged to be abducted by thugs ordered by the Chairman of Plateau United Supporters Club, Mallam Audu.

The information was contained in a Press Statement signed by the Station Manager of JayFm, Mr. Mangna Wamyil and made available to Viewpoint Nigeria.

The Press Release reads:



On Saturday 24th March, 2018 in the evening around 6:25pm after a magazine sports show called “Sports Extra” from 4-6pm, some thugs led by the Chairman of Plateau United Supporters Club Mallam Audu, under the orders of the General Manager of Plateau United Football Club Mr Pius Henwan, invaded the premises of Jay 101.9 FM Jos in a black Honda Accord, and a Peugeot 406 Wagon which was branded with 4+4 and Lalong Boys ,with the picture of the Plateau State Governor boldly inscribed on it, and assaulted, battered, and abducted Mr Mbum Ferdinand, a Sports Presenter/Journalist with the Radio Station to an unknown destination.

The Station Manager Mr Mangna Wamyil along with some Management Staff and eyewitnesses reported the abduction at the Motor Traffic Division (MTD) Anglo Jos of the Nigeria Police shortly afterwards.

Eventually, our lawyers were able to trace Mbum Ferdinand to the A Division of the Nigeria Police Force, where he was bundled to by the thugs who waited for the arrival of the General Manager of Plateau United FC before presenting him to the Police. At the division, Mbum Ferdinand was immediately detained by the police, who turned a blind eye to his abductors who ought to have been arrested for taking laws into their hands, thereby assaulting and abducting him. Consequently, a complain of defamation of character and other undetermined allegations were instituted against him by the General Manager before he left.

As a journalist duty bound to investigate and report, Mbum Ferdinand said on the programme that a source from the Accounts department of the club confirmed to him that the money the Governor of Plateau State promised the Players when they won the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) last season in which each player was entitled to over a million naira had been redeemed since 18th February, 2018. He also reported that it is alleged that the match allowances for the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Champions League victory against Etoile Du Sahel in Kano of between N75,000 and N150,000 was not given to the players because they failed to qualify to the next round of the competition after winning the match, noting how negative such actions would impact on morale of the players if found to be true. Nothwithstanding, he pledged to continue investigations to ascertain if the allegations were indeed true or not.

Typical of the synopsis and style of the programme in view, other analysts took turns to analyse different scenarios that may have led to the allegation or actions.

Sadly, about 25minutes after the programme, the thugs invaded the Station with Mallam Audu leading them, and the rest is history as it is commoly said.

However, through the doggedness of our lawyers, we were able to secure his bail before midnight, on the condition that we would produce him on Monday 26th March, 2018 in the morning.

As a law abiding organization, we are shocked at the actions of the General Manager of Plateau United Football Club, who not being a law enforcement agent, ordered the assault, abduction, kidnap, and arrest of our staff who was marely doing his job as a journalist, by his thugs. Certainly, such crass impunity has no place in an enlightened society like ours. Being a Media Outfit that has been in the forefront of supporting Plateau United FC and giving them publicity for free, it is very painful how they have chosen to repay our kindness. With the embarassment and psychological discomfort Pius Henwan has caused Mbum Ferdinand and our establishment, this daring misadventure offers a rare opportunity to all sensible minds to reassess the suitability of such a man to manage a Football Club like Plateau United who are currently the reigning champions of the NPFL.
Without equivocation, we want to use the occasion of this press release to demand within 24hours, an unreserved apology from the General Manager of Plateau United Football Club on whose instructions the thugs seemingly acted. The apology must be conveyed to us in writing, published in three (3) national dailies of repute, and broadcast on three Radio Stations in Jos Plateau State. Failure to do that, we have instructed our lawyers to file a case of abuse of fundamental human rights and other charges against him and the Football Club.
Fundamentally, we also find it most apt, to use this medium to call on the Commissioner of Police Plateau State Command to immediately arrest and prosecute the thugs led by Mallam Audu, the Chairman of Plateau United Supporters club, who invaded our premises, assaulted, battered, and abducted Mbum Ferdinand. If that is not done, we would mobilize our resources within the ambits of the law to stage a protest march to the office of the Commissioner of Police within the week, to demand justice for our friend, brother, and colleague.

For the avoidance of doubt, we are prepared to see this case through to its logical conclusion to forestall future occurences.

Mangna Wamyil
Station Manager, Jay FM Jos

Meanwhile, the APC Youth Online Forum has condemned the act and called for the arrest of culprits and their prosecution to serve as deterrent to others.

The Press Text signed by its President, Mr. Pius Tongmaan and made available to viewpoint Nigeria is contained herein:

The APC Youths online forum want to condemn in totality the actions of some people that abducted a sports presenter on JAYFM 101.9 Rio Ferdinand over a dispute on figure given to Plateau United by the Rescue Governor,Simon Bako Lalong.
We are in a civil society and all avenues of seeking redress has not been exhausted.
under no circumstances should people take the law into their hands for what so ever reason.
The APC Youths Online Forum what to categorically state that this act was perpetrated by some supporters of Plateau United whom double as part of LALONG Boys Group as the vehicle used in the condemnae act portrayed.
This act has no linkage to the rescue Governor or his democratic ideals, as the rescue Governor believes in the rule of law to seek redress as a legal luminary.
The independence of the press is non negotiable in our democratic process and press freedom is sacrosanct in embolding our democratic journey.
We want to call on the security agencies to fully investigate the matter and bring the culprits to Justice.
We call on all parties and members of the public to maintain law and order and the peace we are trying to sustain in the state by not escalating the narrative.


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Sports Presenter Abduction: JayFm Vows to Take Legal Action to Conclusion

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.