The Berom Educational and Cultural Organization (BECO) has refuted claims by Fulani Herdsmen in a Daily Trust Publication on ownership of Rankum (Mahanga) saying Rankum is an ancestral Berom Hamlet in Jol Ward of Riyom Local Government Area which was sacked in 2001 by the Fulani.

This is contained in a rejoinder made available to VIEW POINT NIGERIA as shown below;

Re: Mahanga: Inside Plateau’s most‘popular’ Fulani settlement

Our attention has been drawn to a recent publication of Sunday Trust dated 30th July, 2017 and titled“Mahanga: Inside Plateau’s most‘popular’ Fulani settlement” written by one Lami Sadiq in Jos.

Without prejudice to the objective(s) of the author of the article, The Berom Educational and Cultural Organization, BECO,  wishes to correct certain falsehoods and half-truths contained in the article that are capable of distorting history and documenting misconceptions to the present and future generations.

BECO is constrained to issue this statement in the interest of truth and justice which it considers as the foundation of peace.

Furthermore, we wish to warn zealous writers (as in this case) to be cautious of endangering the current fragile regime of peace that we enjoy in the area and not rush to publish falsehood that is capable of reigniting hostilities amongst our people.

BECO’s observations and objections on the issues raised by the article boarder on the following;

1.                 The name Mahanga.

2.                 The story of its founding father.

3.                 Land ownership, tenure and settlements.

4.                 Allegations of terrorism, training ground, hideout and armory of arms.

5.                 Claims of Fulani hospitality.

1.  The Name Mahanga:

To the best of BECO’s knowledge, the name Mahanga is a very recent creation by the Fulani after the 2001 crisis where natives of the area were sacked from their ancestral lands.

In our view, the name Mahanga is not only strange but offensive and should be viewed as part of the antics of invaders who change place names without any authorization of either the natives or government. The truth is that the name of the place is Rankum and it should be respected as such. Rankum is located in Jol Ward, Riyom District of Berom-land.

2.  The Story of its Founding Father:

Reading the said article gives the impression that the ancestors of one Ardo Maccido founded“Mahanga” 500 years ago. This is very curious to us, imaginative and at best a pure lie. For one, how could any ancestors found a place when our parents know and can tell stories on how their own parents received the Fulani?

The truth of the matter is that when the Fulani came, they found the Berom as the natives of the area and have historically paid all their taxes through their Ardos who in turn make returns to the Berom Village and District Heads.

BECO is also surprised at the assertion that the population of Fulani in “Mahanga” is close to 10,000 people. Is this a census that includes cattle, guava trees and flies or an exaggeration that is made with the hope of justifying their illegal occupation of Berom-land?

3.  Land ownership, Tenure and Settlements:

From the account of the author, it goes without saying that “Mahanga”is Fulani land and it houses their most “popular” settlement in Plateau State. How can this be true when Rankum (Mahanga) is a village area of Jol that lies between Rim Ward in Riyom Local Government Area and Sho Ward in Barkin Ladi Local Government Area all in Berom-land?  How are the Berom supposed to interpret such a claim? For instance, is this to say that the Berom Natives have lost their traditional and customary rights over their farmlands to Fulani?

It is on record that Rot-Chun (Rafin Acha) which happens to be the Polling Unit to Rankum produced the Councillor Jol Ward 1995/1996 in person of Hon. Yohanna Davit while his younger brother Pam Davit was NULGE Chairman Riyom Local Government Council.

Also, the Mosque that was purported to have been built in“Mahanga” was erected after the community was invaded and forcefully taken over by the Fulani invaders in 2001.   COCIN CC Rankum that existed before the invasion was burnt down during the 2001 attacks. Presently, the PDP Ward Chairman Mr. Gyang Davou is a Rankum Indigene residing in Gura-Lomwash after their community was sacked and forcefully taken over.

The truth of the matter is that all lands occupied and being cultivated by the Fulani in Rankum (Mahanga) belong to the Berom who should be appreciated for generosity and hospitality rather than attacked and displaced.

What the Berom are familiar with is a land tenure that permits the Fulani herds to deposit manure seasonally on the farmlands of the Berom for which they gain access for grazing and watering their livestock.

There is no piece of land in any Berom District that does not belong to a family, and or under a Chief (Gwom).

The area in question has vast farm land, some areas, topographically hilly with valleys and streams. With the abundance of farmland, Berom were not cultivating the hills and streams as much. Hence, the Fulani were not hindered or molested when they occupied these areas in their annual migration pattern.

With the hindsight, our fathers probably should not have allowed them to start staying for longer periods and adopting the hill sides as no man’s land.

Nevertheless, we did not know their true intention until they started attacking and displacing our people and taking over their farmlands and settlements.

The pattern began earlier when they started engaging in dry season farming along the streams and valleys, though with the knowledge of the Chief and villagers (with no knowledge of the long term effect/implication).

4.  Allegations of Terrorism, Training Ground, Hideout and Armory of Arms:

According to the author of the article, allegations of “Mahanga”being a terrorist camp, training ground, hideout and depot of weapons are all attempts to batter the image of their community. To prove the community’s innocence, they contend that past and present commanders of the “Special Task Force” and “Operation Safe Haven”have visited and certified that no such thing exists in the area.

This rebuttal as far as BECO is concerned should attract a closer and more thorough scrutiny in the light of ominous experiences of the Berom in the area.

How come no other area has attracted so much suspicion, allegations and commentaries just as the article itself confirms? An old saying has it that “there is no smoke without fire”. Is it not on record that three (3) Special Task Force Personnel stationed in Tarai Community of Jol Ward close to Rankum (Mahanga) were attacked and brutally killed by suspected Fulani invaders in 2014? Have there been no reports from the Berom on molestation, harassment, intimidation, robbery, rape, crop destruction and silent killings particularly in communities very close to Rankum (Mahanga) till present?

The truth of the matter is the very difficult terrain of Rankum (Mahanga) has afforded the Fulani a safe haven for planning, training and launching attacks on Berom Communities.

5.  Claims of Fulani hospitality:

As far as BECO is concerned, it is ironical to read in the article that the Fulani in Rankum (Mahanga) have been hospitable to the Berom who are allowed to mine for Tin Ore and farm for the Fulani for “negotiated prices”.

We are tempted to ask, could it be the function of Fulani hospitality that the Berom have been completely and forcefully displaced from the area?

How is hospitality defined when large regions of the area still remain no-go-zones to the natives who hosted and still host the Fulani? Is it not contradictory in both terms and meaning to project and publish Fulani hostility for hospitality?


BECO makes bold to unequivocally ask the question: What is the motive behind the spurious and speculative article Mahanga: Inside Plateau’s most‘popular’ Fulani settlement?

BECO is aware that there is a grand design being carefully hatched and systematically executed to dispossess the Berom of their land and heritage and we dare say, the plans of the Fulani shall woefully fail.

All security agencies, the management of Daily Trust Newspapers and peace-loving Nigerians should take note that this article is another ploy aimed at generating avoidable controversies and violence in the land.

On the part of BECO, we wish to clearly reiterate our position that we stand for peace and peace shall we pursue no matter its cost.

Media and Publicity Committee

Berom Educational and Cultural Organization (BECO)

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Berom Educational and Cultural Organization (BECO) refutes Fulani claims on Rankum (Mahanga)

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.