Titus Alams backs “zoning within zoning”, takes swipe at Kaze

The Plateau State Coalition of Peoples Democratic Party Patriots has commended the State Executive Committee of the party for the meeting, which approved dates for Ward, LGA and State Congresses of the party.

The Chairman of the group, Rt. Hon. Titus Alams, appreciated the party through a press statement after its Strategic Committee meeting held on Monday.

Alams said the zoning of party positions to the three senatorial districts of the state is equally a welcome development.

He told newsmen that the SEC meeting was held on March 27, 2016 in pursuant to PDP’s Constitution and the 2016 Congresses and Convention Guidelines.

The party positions were allocated as follows:

Northern Senatorial District: State PDP Chairman, Vice PDP Chairman, Organizing Secretary, Financial Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Organizing Secretary, Assistant PRO, Ex-Officio l and Ex-Officio II.

Plateau Central: Deputy PDP Chairman, Vice PDP Chairman, Treasurer, Publicity Secretary, Women Leader, Assistant Auditor, Assistant Legal Adviser, Ex-Officio I and Ex-Officio II.

Plateau South: The positions of Secretary, Vice Chairman, Legal Adviser, Youth Leader, Auditor, Assistant Financial Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Ex-Officio I, Ex-Officio II are allocated.

Alams said the group is happy to note that all zones abided by the position of SEC and held zonal caucus meetings, which amicably resolved contending issues as a family and distributed positions to LGAs, according to their peculiarities, to the dismay of the ruling APC party who expected chaos and disarray.

Northern zone’s zoning within zoning:

According to him, the Northern Zone has said Riyom LGA will produce the State Party Chairman and the Zonal Secretary; Jos East LGA is to produce the Assistant Treasurer, Zonal Women Leader and Zonal Ex-Officio; Bassa LGA is to produce the Vice Chairman, State Ex-Officio and Zonal Ex-Officio; Jos South LGA is allowed to produce the Assistant Organizing Secretary, State Ex-Officio and Zonal Ex-Officio; and Jos North LGA is to produce the State Financial Secretary, Assistant PRO and Zonal Ex-Officio.

Southern zone’s zoning within zoning

The Southern Zone Caucus zoned the State Secretary to Qua’an Pan LGA, Vice Chairman to Langtang South LGA, Youth Leader to Wase LGA, Legal Adviser to Langtang North LGA, Auditor to Shendam LGA and Ex-Officio to Mikang LGA. Shendam and Wase LGAs have Assistant Financial Secretary and Ex-Officio, respectively.

Central zone’s zoning within zoning

The Central Zone PDP Caucus distributed its positions after keen debates thus:
State Deputy Chairman – Kanke LGA;
State Treasury – Kanam LGA;
State Women Leader- Pankshin LGA;
Vice Chairman – Mangu LGA; and State Publicity Secretary – Bokkos LGA.
The non-State Working Committee positions were shared as follows:
Assistant Auditor – Pankshin LGA; Assistant Legal Adviser – Bokkos LGA;
State Ex-Officio to Mangu LGA; and Zonal Ex-Officio – Kanam LGA.

Taking swipe at Bitrus Kaze

Alams also commended the spirit of sportsmanship exhibited by Hon. Chris Hassan, who accepted the zoning arrangement/templates as shared by the Northern Zone Caucus, and hugged Hon. Damishi Sango at a meeting of the Patriots held to review the outcome of the meetings of the Caucuses of the Party across the zones.

He then called on all those who felt the zoning arrangements did not favour them to, in the spirit of sportsmanship, accept the outcome as an act of God. He added that he he believes the umbrella is large enough to accommodate every member of the PDP family. On the forthcoming Ward, LGA and State Congresses, Alams urged every PDP supporter to become a peace maker since the exercise is a family affair.

The Patriots particularly lamented and condemned the outpouring of negative comments by some individuals and social media groups following the the outcome of the Northern Zone Caucus meeting at Waye Foundation, Jos. Alams noted that contrary to cries by some Chairmanship aspirants in the Northern Zone that templates were generated without due regards to laid down procedures, all those meant to take decisions at the Waye Foundation Caucus meeting were present.

He added that even if the process that generated the template for the Zone was faulty, those that needed to attend the said meeting did not only attend, but adopted same. He therefore sued for peace, calling on all the aggrieved to bury their hatchets, as all stakeholders seek to reposition the party to recapture power from the APC in the State in 2016.

The statement added that Alams also expressed worry over the hardship Nigerians are facing in the hands of the APC. He called on Nigerians to be resolute in their resolve to give constructive criticisms until the economy improves and petroleum products are made available at filling stations.

Given how much furore this issue has generated, ViewPointNigeria has booked an exclusive with Bitrus Kaze today 08/04/16 to discuss this contentious issue and other sundry matters. We shall put up the report once finalised with the distinguish member.

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Titus Alams backs “zoning within zoning”, takes swipe at Kaze

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