6 Years in Office: Gov. Lalong Lauded for Establishing 4 New Agencies, DGs of Agencies Rated High

As Plateau State commemorate the 6th year of the reign of Governor Simon Bako Lalong who was first sworn in on 29th May, 2015 and later reelected to serve another 4 year tenure, It was a time of reviewing and assessing the performance of the four (4) new agencies created by the Lalong-led administration namely the Plateau Peace Building Agency (PPBA) with Mr. Joseph Lengmang as Director General, the Plateau State Microfinance Development Agency (PLASMIDA) which has Mr. Haggai Gutap as its Director General, Plateau State Information & Communication Technology Development Agency (PICTDA) with Mr. David Daser as Director General and the Plateau State Contributory Health Care Management Agency (PLASCHEMA) with Dr. Fabong Jemchang Yildam as its Director General.

The stocktaking of the agencies took place during a stewardship townhall meeting with Heads of the Agencies and critical stakeholders under the chairmanship of the Plateau State Commissioner of Information and Communication, Hon. Dan Manjang, ANIPR which held at the Plateau Radio Television Rayfield Studio.

The townhall meeting which was broadcasted live was meant to discuss the stewardship achievements of the Governor Lalong-led administration with emphasized to the mentioned agencies which stakeholders said are critical to the development of the State considering their significance.

Chief Host of the event and the General Manager of Plateau Radio Television Corporation (PRTVC) while welcoming guests and participants posited that citizens are stakeholders in the rescue administration. He hinted that the organization mandate is to furnish the public with information on government’s activities and transmit their feedback to government for necessary action by policy makers.

In his address, Hon. Dan Manjang hinted that the gathering was to reason together and for people to make contribution that will enhance the prosperity of the State.
He appreciated Gov. Lalong for establishing the agencies and for appointing competent professionals to superintend their affairs.

The Director General of the Plateau State Peace Building Agency (PPBA), Mr. Joseph Lengmang while presenting the scorecard of his agency hinted that in the past, the pattern of reaction to violent crisis was reactive which couldn’t produce the desired result for sustainability but the present government initiated the idea of tackling conflicts through the proactive approach by working with stakeholders. He said this has brought the people at the centre of critical decisions that affects them.
He said the mandate of the agency is to achieve a stable and secured environment.
He further stressed that the agency has created platform for dialogue and is carrying out peace advocacy.
He harped on the need for all citizens to join hands towards achieving peace in the State.
He disclosed that hatred, resentment, consternation and distrust are issues that have greatly affected the peace building efforts which he said must be dealt with if peace is to be achieved.
He charged the citizens to work towards breaking conflict traps.

Mr. Haggai Gutap, the Director General of Plateau State Microfinance Development Agency (PLASMIDA) while giving a stewardship account of his agency disclosed that the agency was established to address the economic problems bedevilling the State.
He hinted that the agency employed measures that will make the State economically viable and the people business-minded, a complete departure from the civil servants’ State it was labelled in the past.
He said the agency was able to map out clusters of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and linked same to funding sources.
He disclosed that the agency has carried out entrepreneurship development, financial literacy and skills acquisition.

“The agency has developed programmes with linkages with Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Bank of Industry (BOI) and the Nigerian Export-Import (NEXIM) Bank”

“The agency is the first to create the one-stop shop to enhance the ease of doing business”

“The agency’s activities have created huge impacts on the economy of the State which are improving the State’s Internally Generated Revenue (IGR)” he said.
He went further to say that the rate of formalization of businesses and access to funding by businesses have improved significantly even as SMEs in the State are being recognized Nationally and Internationally.
He said the agency will work towards reducing the adverse impact of COVID-19 pandemic, stimulate economic growth which will reduce poverty and unemployment.
According to him, the Creative Industry will be given greater attention for sustainability.

On his part, Mr. David Daser the Director General of the Plateau State Information & Communication Technology Development Agency (PICTDA) posited that with the change technology has brought to the world, the agency was established to provide Information Technology Solutions to problems associated with governance and drive policies.
He said the State government has demonstrated the political will by supporting Information Technology which has made the State worthy of emulation.
He hinted that the agency is working tirelessly towards greater development of Information Technology (IT) in the State.
He said the agency has trained citizens through its “code-Plateau” programme which has produced persons with better knowledge of technology, organized digital skills training and presently penetrating the rural communities to enhance technology appreciation by the people.
He disclosed that plans are in the pipeline to establish a centre that will harness the skills of those trained as well as provide an information Technology friendly environment that will attract Tech Enthusiasts and investors to the State.
“The agency is also regulating all IT procurements by all government MDAs in the State to reduce cost, enhance quality and avoid duplicity” he stated.

Dr. Fabong Jemchang Yildam the Director General of the Plateau State Contributory Health Care Management Agency (PLASCHEMA) while rendering account of his stewardship since assumption of office said the agency is working in tandem with the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) towards achieving universal health coverage in the State through the delivery of quality healthcare services to the citizens at affordable cost.
He posited that Gov. Lalong established the agency owing to his believe that Plateau State Citizens have the right to quality healthcare. The essence is to reduce the mortality and morbidity rate to the barest.
He disclosed that the vulnerable can benefit from the Insurance scheme for free while the informal sector can benefit by contributing N12,000 annually with the exception of students who are to contribute N4,000.
He said over 50,000 beneficiaries have been enrolled so far while hinting that beneficiaries can access emergency healthcare services at any accredited health facility.

He said the agency has accredited 325 Public Primary Health Facilities, 88 Private Primary Health Facilities, 55 Secondary Health Facilities and 27 Pharmaceutical Stores to handle emergency situations.
Dr. Fabong said a healthy people will translate to a more productive and economically viable State.

Discussants at the engagement were Prof. Aboi Madaki the President of Plateau Initiative for Development and Advancement of the Natives (PIDAN) and Plateau State Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) Chairman, Cmr. Eugene Manji who spoke on the need for citizens to complement government’s progressive efforts and urged government to carry people at the grassroot especially community development groups along in its programmes and activities, work assiduously towards addressing insecurity, poverty and unemployment reduction.

They harped on the need for the creation of enabling environment that will boost business activities which will lead to the prosperity of the State.

Cmr. Manji described Barr. Lalong as Workers friendly Governor for giving greater attention to workers’ welfare and identifying with them during the celebration of Workers’ Day.

Participants commended govessence for the idea of the stewardship townhall meeting.

They also lauded Gov. Lalong for the establishment of the four agencies and appointing credible and competent experts to man them.

They described the Directors General of the Agencies as round pegs in round holes.

The stakeholders commended the Director Generals for the sterling, exceptional and result-oriented leadership they are providing; inter agency cooperation/collaboration as well as working to achieve the set mandates of their various agencies.

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6 Years in Office: Gov. Lalong Lauded for Establishing 4 New Agencies, DGs of Agencies Rated High

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.