5G & COVID-19: Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda Says 5G Not Cause of Coronavirus

With arguments ongoing on the possible cause of the novel coronavirus which is infecting and killing many globally, Engr. Nentawe Yilwatda Goshwe, Ph.D has described as untrue, pedestrian and unscientific the claims by many that the 5G (Fifth Generation Network) is responsible for the global outbreak of COVID-19.

Dr. Nentawe urged people to disregard the claim and not in anyway connect 5G with the Coronavirus pandemic.

So far, confirmed cases are over a million with over 60,000 deaths recorded globally.

In Nigeria, total cases are 210 with 4 deaths recorded so far.

Find below what Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda wrote on 5G and COVID-19, where he stated there is no relationship:

Let me use this opportunity to clear the air on some videos making rounds that 5G is responsibility for COVID-19 in China and many other diseases. That is not true.

  1. What is 5G?
    In a simple term, 5G also called the fifth generation network is just frequency range between 24 – 72 GHz which is a higher frequency range than 4G.
    It implies transmission with greater quantum of energy, hence heavy data and higher resolution.
  2. What is the Implication?
    5G signals are within the non ionizing microwaves radiations.
    It is far higher frequency range of 300Ghz and above (x-rays and gamma rays) that have ionizing radiation tendencies. If human beings have too much exposure to x-rays and gamma rays MAY be injurious.
    Note that x-rays and gamma rays frequency ranges are not used for mobile transmission.
  3. Are Human Beings Exposed to Similar Radiations?
    The answer is Yes.
    The sun emits ultraviolet wavelengths and X-rays that are transmitted to planet earth. The Ultra Violent radiation from the sun has far higher frequency with its energy over 1 million times more than the 5G.
    If the radio requency radiation (RFR) from the ultra violent and X-rays that man is exposed to daily from the sun has not caused coronavirus why should 5G with a million times less energy caused coronavirus?
  4. Conclusion
    The ascertion that 5G causes coronavirus is pedestrian and unscientific. There is no scientific bases for these conspiracy theories.

Kindly be guided.

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5G & COVID-19: Dr. Nentawe Yilwatda Says 5G Not Cause of Coronavirus

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.