3 Division/Operation Safe Haven Meets Stakeholders to Tackle Security Concerns at Fan Barkin Ladi LGA, Plateau State

Headquarters 3 Division Nigerian Army and Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH) held a stakeholders’ meeting with community leaders from Fann District, Barkin Ladi Local Government Area, Plateau State on 24 July 2024. The meeting which held at Headquaters 3 Division Auditorium Maxwell Khobe Cantonment Jos, was geared towards fashioning modalities to deal with the increasing spate of criminalities including arms proliferation and cattle rustling in Fan District.

It would be recalled that 3 Division/Operation SAFE HAVEN recently concluded a follow-on operation in Fann District following the killing of an officer of OPSH during a raid at gunrunners’ hideout at Sangasa on 10 July 2024 leading to the recovery of over 30 assorted weapons as well as military accoutrements.

In his opening remarks, the Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN/General Officer Commanding 3 Division expressed displeasure over the continuous acts of a select few individuals in Fan district which have culminated in loss of lives and property despite efforts to checkmate the ugly trend. He further pointed out that the criminals perpetrating the violence and criminalities in Fann District hibernate within the communities and some are well known to the community members.

The GOC/Comd OPSH further emphasized the negative impact of criminal activities on the stability and security of the district. He added that these criminals were perpetrating these acts for their personal interest and not for the benefit of the community. He further noted that the criminals attempt to give ethno- religious colorations to security situation in the area to incite people to create a favourable condition for their selfish agenda to thrive. The Commander also implored all to learn to forgive one another of real or perceived grievances, avoid rancour and also advise their wards to always seek peaceful resolution to crisis and follow established procedure to address their grievances.

In their separate remarks, the Gwom Rwei of Gwol, HRH Da Edward Gyang, the Gwom Rwei of Fan, HRH Iliya Dashwei and the Liaison Officer to the Governor of Plateau State for Barkin Ladi Constituency, Hon. Philip Jwe acknowledged that the communities in Fan District have not done enough in their responsibility of guiding their children with good morals. They apologized for the ugly incident and promised that the perpetrators of criminalities in Fan would be fished out. While soliciting for continuous engagement, they all appreciated the efforts of 3 Division/Operation SAFE HAVEN for accepting to meet with stakeholders from the district towards achieving lasting peace in Fan District.

The President Berom Youth Moulder Association, Barrister Solomon Dalyop, on his part also appreciated the kind gesture of Comd OPSH/ GOC 3 Div for his efforts towards ensuring safety of lives and property on the Plateau. He also promised to work with youths in the state to support the efforts of troops and other security agencies in their efforts to rid the state of criminalities.

The stakeholders’ meeting concluded with a renewed commitment from all participants to intensify efforts in combating the criminal elements responsible for perpetrating violence in the area.

Highlights of the meeting were comments from stakeholders, senior officers and group photograph.

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3 Division/Operation Safe Haven Meets Stakeholders to Tackle Security Concerns at Fan Barkin Ladi LGA, Plateau State

| Insecurity |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.