As the 2019 general elections draws closer, a political party Alliance For New Nigeria ANN Plateau state chapter on Wednesday inaugurated its  Executives both at the local government and  Plateau state to move the party forward and ensure victory for them in the elections .

Speaking at the occasion in Jos the  newly elected chairman of ANN in the Plateau Hon Senlat Garba , said the party   would rescue Nigeria in 2019 from what it described as the failed leadership of both the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, party and the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

He said  Nigerians have a better option in it than in APC and PDP.

Speaking after his inauguration ,He said ” We have  observed with keen interest the political situations of the country and has come to a conclusion that the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) has failed in every areas of governance and also  the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) failed Nigerians in the past  

“Our party ANN is  set up to give the Nigerian people a credible alternative they have been yearning .”

“We have what it takes to defeat both parties in the coming general elections , we are capable of turning the country around for good.”

Our party ANN  is set up to give the Nigerian people a credible alternative they have been yearning for, our party   is capable of turning Plateau and the  country around for good.

Our party, since its registration  has continued to receive massive membership. This is an indication that Nigerians are tired of  both the APC and PDP.

Nigerians across the country, even those in the Diaspora have been looking forward to a credible alternative, a party who can truly and sincerely develop the country where corruption, nepotism, joblessness, retrogressive economy, hunger, high child mortality rate, hyper inflation, brutalization of citizens by government and security forces and other things that have been pulling us back as a nation will be a thing of the past.

We have been interacting with those at the grassroot , we intent to dominate the Political  scene , in ANN we don’t make fake promises ,we don’t promise and fail .

‘ANN is the party to look out for in 2019 

,already several people in Plateau have indicated interest to join our party ,we would soon receive decampees from parties to our party  .’

Our correspondent reports that the inauguration was witnessed by officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC.

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2019 – Plateau  Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN) Inaugurates Executives

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.