2019 – Coalition of  Plateau state Central Youths Forums endorse Lalong

2019 – Coalition of Plateau state Central Youths Forums endorse Lalong

By Golok Nanmwa ,Jos

Group operating under the aegis of COALITION OF PLATEAU STATE CENTRAL YOUTHS FORUMS, on Monday endorsed the Plateau state Governor Simon Lalong and his deputy Professor Sonni Tyoden as their candidate in the forth coming 2019 Gubernatorial election .

Comrade Kamji Bagas, the chairman of the group while addressing newsmen in Jos said Gentlemen of the press, fellow citizens of Plateau State, good day. It is pertinent we address you at this critical moment of our political sojourn as we set sights on the forth coming general elections.

The dream of every nation made of good people under God is to see to its progressive development in all spheres of life. Having seen Plateau grow in that light, it is our duty as patriots to commend and contribute our respective capacities towards this greater quest for nation building.

As it is often said; Politics is past history and history is present politics. The present administration had it tough in the coming as all forces who concertedly fought against impunity, nepotism, ethnocentricism ended up building a strong wall of a Plateau project, ‘The Lalong/Tyoden Rescue Mission’

It is only logical and meritorious as patriotic citizens to applaud the Lalong/Tyoden Rescue Administration for having worked assiduously to see that Plateau State has been truly rescued from the shackles that had held it captive. Some of the notable achievements of this administration hinged on its five policy thrust includes:

 The restoration and creation of Chiefdoms for the extension of good governance to the grassroots and the promotion of unity.

 The appointment of sons and daughters of Plateau central zone into key positions in government. Today, the zone has the highest number of appointees amongst the 3 zones of the state.

 Since the eruption of violence in the state in 2001, this is the only administration that has made deliberate effort in restoring permanent peace in the State, some of which includes the creation of the Plateau State Peace Building Agency, establishment of an early warning signals under the watch of Operation Rainbow, establishment of additional security outfits ( Mobile barracks in Shandam and Gashish, Search and Rescue Airforce Barracks in Kerang), constitution of a Committee on the return of displaced persons from the crisis to their ancestral homes, reform of the Justice law in the state inline with contemporary happenings etc. These efforts has no doubt restored hope to the areas affected by this unfortunate occurrence and a sure way of bringing and sustaining peace in the state.

 The massive employment witnessed in the different ministries, departments and agencies. i.e recruitment of One thousand (1000) teachers under the Teachers Services Commission (TSC), 4600 staff for State Universal Basic education (SUBEB), Over 200 employed Plateau State Internal Revenue Service (PSIRS), 45 in ministry of housing, Reinstatement of about 100 sacked Staff in PRTVC by the last administration and 300 in Lands and Survey amongst many other unmentioned.

 Completion of abandoned projects by the past administration which has direct bearing on the lives of our people. These range from infrastructures to policy continuation. Prominent among these projects are the completion of Plateau State Secretarial Junction flyover, British American – Marraraban Jama’a Road, Tudu Wada/Domkat Bali Road, State Lowcost/ Dong/ Rakafiki Road, Plateau Specialist Hospital By-pass, Anguwan Rogo road, Tina Junction – Dutse uku- St Michael Church etc.

 The construction of twenty two (22) rural roads in all the 17 local government of the State to open up new areas to development as well as ease movements in our communities.

 Timely payment of salaries, pensions, gratitude and offsetting of the backlog of salaries owed by the immediate past administration which has increased the economic power of Civil Servants.

 The diversification of The Plateau economy via agriculture i.e. the purchase of Tractors, revamping of the fertilizer blending plant in partnership with private organization and the increased funding of agricultural related activities.

 The revival of youth activities in the state after being outlawed and disbanded by the past administration over a decade ago. This has led to the conduct of Plateau Youth council elections across every district in Plateau.

 Sustaining cordial relationship amongst all arms and tires of government by upholding democracy and ensuring the independence of each segment of government.

 Attraction of federal projects e.g. the Mangu Water project, Chigong/ Garram road, Sharram Babban Lamba road Abuja/Jos dual carriage, Jos inland dry port, the federal polytechnic Shendam, the air force military base at Kerang/Mangu, police mobile unit at Shendam, Police mobile unit at Gashish District etc.

 Facilitated the Appointment of many Plateau sons and daughters into boards of federal parastatals and agencies.

 The reactivation of some moribund industries in the state and restoration of Jos International Trade fair, Jos carnival etc.

The above elucidated points are but a tip of the ice berg as regards the achievements of this administration but time and space may not allow us to expound more.

Every government has its successes and short comings; we can say that the Plateau Project has justified what Plateau people had clamoured for in 2015. Amidst prejudice and desperation by opposition, our objective and unbiased assessment taking into cognizance the paucity of funds, we can say that the Lalong/Tyoden, Rescue Administration deserves commendation from all well meaning people of Plateau.

Furthermore, we wish to applaud every member of the Plateau Project vis-a-vis the Rescue Mission for the feat attained so far, not only His Excellency Barr. Dr. Simon Bako Lalong nor Prof. Sonni Tyoden but the entirety of his cabinet for, this would not have been a success without any of you.

It is on this note that we call on men of living conscience, Plateau Patriots, lovers of good governance, citizens and dwellers on the Plateau to join us as we voraciously and unequivocally give our formal endorsement of the Lalong-Tyoden ticket in the forth coming gubernatorial elections for the continuation of the Plateau Project/Rescue Mission.

We wish to reiterate our confident in the Captain of the Rescue Ship, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong and his loyal and humble deputy, Prof. Sonni Gwanle Tyoden to Carry-On with the rescue mission on the plateau till 2023. We have witnessed uncommon cordiality and harmonious working relationship among these two leaders which has seen us achieved so much within short period of the life of the Rescue Administration.

As youths of the zone, we wish to assure His Excellency Barr. Simon Lalong and his able Deputy Prof. Sonni Tyoden that we will not only mobilized the Youths but also mobilized Women, Elders, Men and all eligible Voters in Plateau Central Zone to garner not less than 750,000 votes for the actuation of Rescue Mission Administration continuity in office come 2019.

Finally; we humbly appreciate Plateau people for believing in the Plateau project and supporting it thus far, We wish to remind you that we have a final test come 2019, a test between light and darkness, a test between evil and goo, and until we grid our loins our toils for the Plateau Project that the Plateau people had craned for well be blow away our enemies.

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2019 – Coalition of Plateau state Central Youths Forums endorse Lalong

| Politics |
About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.