Riyom Assets Recovery Committee Urge Citizens to Furnish it With Credible Information on Assets Whereabout

Members of the general public, particularly citizens of the Riyom Local Government Area are being informed that of recent a committee was inaugurated by the Riyom Local Government Council with the task to recovery all assets belonging to the local government that were taken away by the previous administration.

Zamfara Iveh, Secretary of the Assets Recovery Committee said in line with its mandate, the committee is appealing to the public or anyone with useful information about the whereabouts of such assets—whether movable or immovable—belonging to the Riyom Local Government Council.

He said “Additionally, if you have any information regarding the location of contracts abandoned by contractors handling projects of the Council, please provide the committee with details of the location of such abandoned projects or assets through a written memorandum within two weeks of this announcement.

“Soliciting your cooperation to enable Riyom Local Government Area to succeed on this significant drive”

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Riyom Assets Recovery Committee Urge Citizens to Furnish it With Credible Information on Assets Whereabout

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.