Nigerian Army Launches 161st Anniversary With Special Prayers in Jos

To kick-start the Nigerian Army Day Celebration (NADCEL) 2024, the Nigerian Army on Friday 28th June, 2024 seeked divine intervention through special Juma’at Prayers at the 3 Division Nigerian Army Headquarters Mosque Jos, Plateau State.
The 2024 event is significant as it marks the 161 Years of existence of the Nigerian Army.
Speaking at the Juma’at Prayers the Chief Of Army Staff (COAS) Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja who was represented by the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3 Division Nigerian Army Jos and Commander Operation Safe Haven, Major General Abdulsalam Abubakar said history of the Nigerian Army came with experience having being through wars, low-intensity conflicts and military operations other than war such as peacekeeping/peace enforcement as well as military aid to civil authority engagements.

He said the various Army leadership to that served the Nation came up with policies and programmes that shaped the structure, posture and efficiency of the force and built its cherished culture over the time.

His words “about 161 years on, Nigeria today boasts of a force that is globally reckoned with. A Force renowned for its tenacity and adaptability. A Force that is victory-focused and understands the underlying spiritual component of fighting power, and ascribes battle successes to God, as conspicuously captured by its motto “Victory is from God Alone.”
“I believe it is in recognition of the pace of thankfulness to God for the past year and the need to seek divine guidance and blessings for a new Year that our forefathers initiated the NADCEL religious activities aside from the celebration programmes”

He said the gathering is to thanks God for the guidance over the past year and to seek His continued blessings, grace and favour.
“Like the eagle bird that symbolizes strength in the Nigerian Army logo, we have congregated before the Almighty to renew our strength to soar higher and accomplish missions in the new Year” he said.

In his sermon on the topic “Integrating religious morals in combating security challenges in a joint environment, the Deputy Director Islamic Affairs 3 Division, Colonel Abubakar Tahir hinted that the objective of the Juma’at Prayers to herald the week long NADCEL 2024 is to seek divine intervention, appreciate God for His protection and recognise His supernatural role in achieving the overall mandate of the Nigerian Army which is the protection of the Nation’s territorial integrity against external aggressors. He said in line with the logo of the Nigerian Army “In God we trust”, the Nigeria Army is keeping its duty to God Almighty to grant it resounding success.

While appreciating President Bola Tinubu for his unwavering support, the Chief of Army Staff said he is poised to achieve his command philosophy which seeks “to transform the Nigeria. Army into a well-trained, equipped and highly motivated Force Towards Achieving our constitutional responsibilities within a joint environment”

The theme of the NADCEL 2024 is “Transforming the Nigerian Army: Imperative for combating contemporary security challenges within a joint environment”

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Nigerian Army Launches 161st Anniversary With Special Prayers in Jos

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About The Author
- Friday Bako is Certified National Accountant (CNA), Blogger, Social Media Influencer/Strategist, Youth Activist and Advocate for good governance.

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