Three Students of the University of Jos Department of Theatre and Film Arts have emerged winners of a fully sponsored Postgraduate Exchange Programme for Masters in Film Culture and Archival Studies in Germany.

The German Exchange Programme is a collaboration between some German Training Institutions and the University of Jos as well as the Nigerian Film Institute (NFI) which will also facilitate the Postgraduate work of Six other Students in Nigeria.

Presenting the beneficiaries to Management of the University of Jos, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Professor Sati Fwatshak stressed the need for the University Management to be updated about the partnership and to seek blessings for the Students to excel as they undertake their Postgraduate studies.

Receiving the Delegation, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Jos, Professor Tanko Ishaya congratulated the Students for emerging winners of a competitive process and urged them to properly utilize the lifetime opportunity presented by the Exchange Programme to acquire hands-on skills that will improve their capacity.

Professor Ishaya who described cultural adaptation as key in learning said the Students must be willing to adjust to a different lifestyle in order to fit-in and acquire all that is needed for them to excel. He encouraged them to be good ambassadors of the University of Jos and not to forget where they have come from.

The benefiting Students from the University of Jos are Jemima Choji, Hamza Abubakar and Ali Adamu Dankwat. They are benefitting from the Scholarship which is valued at a total sum of 7,925 Euros to undertakea Six (6) months internship programme with the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The Scholarship allows them to access funds for school fees support, research support and other related activities for the programme.

The Master Degree Programme in Film Culture and Archival Studies is a collaborative programme jointly offered by the University of Jos, Nigerian Film Corporation/National Film Institute, Jos and German Institutions including Goethe University, Frankfurt, Arsenal Institute for Film and Video Art Berlin as well as Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum (DAAD).

The objective is to train the Students to become experts and global leaders in the field of Film Culture and Archival Studies; Restoration, Digitization, Preservation, Codification, Classification of Creative Works and Audiovisual Heritage as well as other related human endeavors.

The presentation which was held at the Vice-Chancellor’s Boardroom, Administrative Complex, Naraguta Campus also had in attendance Registrar of the University of Jos, Chief Monday Danjem, Head of Department, Theatre and Film Arts, Professor Adediran Ademiju Bepo as well as Coordinator of the Film Culture and Archival Studies, Dr Nancy King.

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic