Young Women for Dakum were in Barkin Ladi, interacted with the Legislative Arm of the local government, met with party Women excos

The Coordinator of the group RHODA PEWAN told them the reason for the visit and why it will be better for Plateau if Dr Patrick wins this election. She further stressed that the future of Plateau lies in their hands so they should listen to their conscience and not money or the likes. Both parties were happy and appreciated our visit. They were marvel because they could see that our Principal Dr. Patrick Dakum government will be an inclusive one if he comes into power. According to them, Young person’s like the group have never been involved in such activities before. They applauded him and His amiable wife NGO SARAH DAKUM who happens to be their daughter. They promised us their support and also appreciated their HYGIENE KITS that was presented to them by the convener of the group UJIN MANGS.

Thereafter the team also solicited for support from the market women who sells perishable goods by the road side in HEIPAING. The team created more awareness of who our principal is. The HYGIENE KITS was also given to them. To our surprise, they already have good knowledge of who Dr DAKUM is and also said they will lobby and plead with the delegates within their reach to give it to our Principal.

It was a very successful outing and we trust God that in the end we all will celebrate.

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Young Women for Dakum were in Barkin Ladi, interacted with the Legislative Arm of the local government, met with party Women excos

About The Author
- Studied Mass Communication from the University of Jos. He is a Media Consultant, Journalist, a blogger, public relations practitioner and an advocate for social justice.