The Importance of Education to Community Development: An Imperative for Community Service and National Consciousness.

A Paper Presented by Dater, Pekop Dawu on the Occasion of the Programme Organised by the National Association of Fier Students (NAFES)

24th September, 2021.


When I was approached by the National leadership of NAFES to speak during an event organised for the students within Fier immediate jurisdiction and constituency, I was told that my task was to specifically speak to the young ones and encourage them to take their studies seriously, to make them realise the value of education so as to become useful to themselves with the view to giving back to the community they come from. With this in mind and the realisation that I am one among other two speakers who are to also speak on the general theme of the event which is “The Importance of Education to Community Development”, I therefore, decided to have a coinage of a topic that will reflect the specific task that was given to me hence the rider to the general theme of the event. I am particularly very happy given this rare privilege to speak to the young ones. This is a job I love doing as a nation builder and a teacher; shaping the minds of young people and raising them to become who they are capable of becoming.

Ladies and gentlemen, there will be no gain stating the obvious fact that the relevance of this momentous occasion and its theme as it relates to the Nigerian National Policy on Education cannot be overemphasized. As a matter of fact, the theme for this event and what we are witnessing here today clearly reflects and practically personifies the Philosophy and Goals of Education in Nigeria as articulated by the 6th Edition of the Nigerian National Policy on Education (as reviewed in 2013)

Specifically, Section 1 (3) (a, b, c and e) of the National Policy on Education states respectively that “Nigeria’s philosophy of education is based on the following sets of beliefs:
a. Education is an instrument for national development and social change;
b. education is vital for the promotion of a progressive and united Nigeria;
c. education maximises the creative potentials and skills of the individual for self-fulfillment and general development of the society;
e. education is to be qualitative, comprehensive, functional and relevant to the needs of society.”
(4) states that “This philosophy of Nigeria’s education is based on the development of the individual into a sound and effective citizen….”
The general goals of education is articulated in (6) made up of five paragraphs a, b, c, d and e which states that “The goals of education in Nigeria are the:
a. Development of the individual into a morally sound, patriotic and effective citizen;
b. total integration of the individual into the immediate community, the Nigerian society and the world;
c. provision of equal access to qualitative educational opportunities for all citizens at all levels of education, within and outside the formal school system;
d. inculcation of national consciousness, values and national unity; and
e. Development of appropriate skills, mental, physical and social abilities and competencies to empower the individual to live in and contribute positively to the society.

It would be noted at this point that those parts of the policy document as quoted above capture the whole essence of our discourse today. This is because of the continues emphasis on the all round development of the individual to arouse in him/her the spirit of patriotism, national consciousness and develop in them the desire to give back to the development of the community; the aim is to make the individual useful to self and to the community. It behoves therefore on you and I my dear Compatriots to take our education very seriously because it remains the only bedrock upon which the community can stand. Indeed, no community or nation can grow beyond the quality of its education as has always been said.

Education has helped in no small measure to bring tremendous changes and development to the whole world. Everyday, we are witnesses to one form of advancement or the other in technology; new products, new ideas, new trends, new worlds and new ways of doing things keep evolving day in day out as man keep devising every means through which life can become much more easier, better and more enjoyable. Indeed, Nelson Mandela was correct when he noted that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. With this in mind, we must remind ourselves that we cannot afford not to be part of this great opportunity; indeed, our community cannot be left behind in this significant impact and achievement created by education.

Any community that takes education for granted is doomed for total collapse because, as in the words of Malcolm X, “education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” We must remind ourselves that we as young people today, are the greatest assets our community can boast of if it has any hope of survival tomorrow. We represent the future of our community. We must therefore stop at nothing to ensure that we are fully prepared to walk into our future with elegance. The only sure bet that can give us such confidence is the education we give ourselves today.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), education is the single most important factor in breaking the poverty cycle. This is true because education as noted earlier is rooted in the goal of developing the individual to grow to his/her full potentials and live to the fullest of life that he/she is capable of living. Through education, the individual is made useful to self and the society as a whole through the development of skills and competencies that result in high standards of living. We will definitely agree with Horace Mann’s proposition wherein he stated that “a human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated”.

Education shapes the mind, it transforms our thoughts and gives us better understanding of the society we live in. It is the basis upon which our freedom can be guaranteed because when we are educated, we will know our rights to be able to defend ourselves against injustice. Kofi Anan was not far from the truth when he said that “education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.” We will also believe Allan Bloom who said “education is the movement from darkness to light” and George Washington Carver who said “education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom”,

Education in itself is not useful unless it has positive impact on our society. Our education must have the potency to make our community and our world a better place to live. We owe this as a duty to ourselves and the other members of the community. This underscores the importance of giving back to the community through community service and development efforts. In this light, we submit ourselves to be guided by the words of James Baldwin: “The paradox of education is precisely this; that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated”. Mahatma Gandhi taught us the principle of living a life of impact. According to him, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” My dear Compatriots, may I put it to you that your life amounts to nothing if you cannot create any impact on your community. If your presence is not felt, your absence will not make any difference. So as you strive to get educated, as you strive to be the best you can be, you must realise that the ultimate goal is to give back to your community.

Let me end this presentation with the words of John Dewey who said “education is not the preparation for life, it is life itself”. Education is a continues process that starts from cradle to grave (from birth to death). The day you stop learning, that day you stop living. Always remember the words of Aristotle — “the roots of education is bitter but the fruit is sweet”. The power to chose between life and death is in your hand. The ball is now in your court. Thank you and God bless.

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The Importance of Education to Community Development: An Imperative for Community Service and National Consciousness.

| Education |
About The Author
- A writer/author, media and communication strategist, a political think tank/consultant, development/political economist, teacher, motivational/public speaker, financial/economic analyst and consultant, an entrepreneur and a blogger.