Sunday 12th June was day for the memorial service of late Mama Rahila Andrawus Taple, who went to be with the lord in 2015 at the age of 85.

The memorial service, which was held at Living Waters Baptist Church Cricklewood, London had in attendance notable Plateau sons and daughters who turned up to support the family and remember the life of the industrious woman.

Late mama Taple is survived by her husband, Mr. Andrawus Taple, 10 children, 18 grand children and several great grand children.

Among her children are Mrs. Alice A Mannok, Mrs Hannatu Z J Cheto, Mrs Victoria Bonaventure, Mrs Esther Yamba, Mr. Ibrahim Taple, Mrs. Josephine H Taple, Mr Joseph H Taple, Mrs Nanshin Boniface Bokumchi and Mrs Plangdes Benshak Audu.


Above: Grand son, Mr Nanmwa Cheto taking the bible reading
IMG_1362Above: Grand daughter, Miss Deborah Yamba reading-out a tribute IMG_1366

Above: Mr Aaron Yamba (Son-in-law)

Above: The family. From L to R. Mr Aaron Yamba, Mr. Nanmwa Cheto, Mrs Hannatu Cheto, Mrs Esther Yamba, Mr Dom Cheto, Miss Manji Cheto, Miss Deborah Yamba & Mr Nandom YambaIMG_1387

Above: The family. From L to R. Mrs Hannatu Cheto, Mrs Esther Yamba, Mr Dom Cheto, Miss Manji ChetoIMG_1390 IMG_1397

Above: The family. From L to R. Mrs Hannatu Cheto, Mrs Esther Yamba, Mr Dom Cheto, Miss Manji Cheto, Miss Deborah YambaIMG_1403 IMG_1407 IMG_1409 IMG_1412 IMG_1415 IMG_1425 IMG_1446

Above: Miss Manji Cheto, giving the vote of thanks on behalf of the familyIMG_1453 IMG_1457 IMG_1460 IMG_1472

Above: Mrs Hannatu Cheto and Mrs Josephine ChojiIMG_1474 IMG_1492 IMG_1497 IMG_1506 IMG_1510 IMG_1514 IMG_1518 IMG_1523



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Thanksgiving service of late Mama Rahila Taple in pictures

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