Our strategy for peace on the Plateau is working – Tyoden

The Plateau state Government has attributed the restoration of peace in the state to the well-structured measures it put in place after more than a decade of violence.

The Deputy Governor of the state, Prof. Sonni Tyoden, stated this in an interview with journalists in New York.

Tyoden said government’s determination to resolve the conflict played a significant role in restoring peace in the area.

“The formula has simply been using a template of openness, dialogue and inclusiveness.”

“When we came on board we realised that for us to make headway in terms of peace and harmonious co-existence between the various ethnic groups, was to open the door and bring on board all stakeholders in the state.”

“People who the previous administration didn’t want to talk to were invited.”

“We got the various combatants to sit together on the table with us umpires, and it worked very well.”

“Because initially they were finding it difficult to talk to each other but with time, they opened up, shared their experiences, apologised to each other and agreed to work together.”

“And that’s the peace we are reaping right up till today. We are not God but since we came on board, there’s been no incidence of violence and we believe and hope it would continue.”

Tyoden, a former vice chancellor of the University of Jos, stated that Plateau is the only state in the country with a well-structured initiative aimed at maintaining the peace.

“We are the only state in Nigeria so far that has established a Peace Building Agency.”

“We have a Peace building Agency headed by a Director-General.”

“So for us, peace building is not simply getting the combatants together.”

“We believe that the young ones coming up need to be educated sensitised on the importance of peace, both for their own development, for their society and for the country at large.”

“So we felt it is good to catch them young and that’s where peace education comes in.”

“And this agency anchors the whole process and is doing that, working out curricula, initiating conferences and workshops.”

“And also bringing the various stakeholders together to discuss the modalities for peace and the implications of peace for the society.”

“We have been telling the people of Plateau that it is in their interest to have peace, it is in the interest of Plateau to have peace and it is in the interest of Nigeria to have peace.”

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Our strategy for peace on the Plateau is working – Tyoden

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