You may agree with me or not. However, Islamism is the ideology that drives arabization. Arabization is the cause of the civil unrest in most African countries, which is unwittingly prosecuted by ignorant citizens who believe that they are prosecuting a righteous religious war. Blinded and induced by Arabian petrodollars Muslim political elites, they fail to see the poison in the carrots of financial aids solely dedicated to funding the promotion of arabian cultural values in the guise of religion, which is projected and perceived as Shariah. Have we ever pondered over the fact that there are no uniform principles of shariah, amongst so called ‘shariah-based’ Islamic countries? E.g, Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Arab nations. What is common to them is bigotry, intolerance and religious persecutions. Ditto, with States in northern Nigeria which are under the influence of the Islamic traditional Institution symbolized by the emirate system led by the Sokoto caliphacy. What one finds is pervasive ignorance particularly, amongst Christians who do not take time to look through what they emotionally respond to as Islamization, which is simply the ideological vehicle with which a selfish, self-centred, personal interest driven political leadership project is driven. Othman Dan fodio fought a religious war, conquered territories and secured thrones on which only those who trace their ancestry to him are qualified to sit. Their siblings exercise the first right of refusal to opportunities to leadership, socio economic and other development programs and benefits. Besides, the emotional attitude and ill-informed responses of the Church is timidity and intellectual dishonesty amongst the elites, who either shy away vide some populist matters. This is where I personally fault the restructuring debate (not in content but the emphasis or priority). It is escapist. I wish to concede the fact that restructuring is sine qua non in the quest for a better nigeria and sustainable development. But, we must start from where we are. We should insist on constitutionalism. The extant Nigerian constitution provides adequately for the redress of glaring impunity and lawlessness with which we are experiencing. Many do not appreciate the arabization narrative as they lack knowledge of the fact that Sudan, was until about 50 years ago not an arabic speaking nation. Elder Sudanese still speak their indigenous languages, which is being eroded by Arabic. We may not fully understand why islamist-infested federal education agencies are all acting unanimously in promoting arabic language. Our NUC and JAMB defines it as religious language. Obviously, to elicit unquestioned support by Muslims who simply see it as divine. How many know that the so called Islamic banking introduced by the strategically positioned sudanese-ideologically indoctrinated CBN governor, has no origin in the Qur’an. But, a 1950s hate-induced anti-semitic separatist Babylonial banking idea conceived and developed by Egyptian Economists. The illegal adoption and application of the deceptive policy is the foundation for the Islamist-oriented economic, financial and monetary systems. In the wake of the controversy that greeted the CBN islamic banking a senior Muslim banker described the divisive Banking policy as divine. It would have been sacrilegious for a follow Muslim to denounce his position, more so as it attracts Arabian petrodollars. Racist Arabs are traditionally slave traders, are currently the greatest sponsors of global terror in their territorial expansion project, which they do in the guise of promoting the Shariah in targeted nations and territories. I ask, why did the Islamic leaders fail to try the leader of the Islamic movement of Nigeria in a Sharia Court or a constituted Ashura Council. Nope, because the objective is different. It is a Caliphate ideology with which ambitious Muslims mobilize and secure political commitment of fellow Muslims. We must boldly open up discussions on these matter. Otherwise, and with the ignorant tacit support by our political leaders, Nigerians, indeed, the Africans are under threat by well-funded militia who operating in different guises in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, C.A.R, Boko haram, Fulani herdsmen Nigeria. To appreciate the Arabization narrative, we need to decode the Morrocco’s quest for ECOWAS membership, Nigeria’s silence against the backdrop of our closer diplomatic ties with that monarchical Islamic country. It is a strategic OIC move, considering the negative international perception of AL’ Bashir of Sudan, whose country has been the islamic intellectual headquarters for Africa which Egypt is to the Arabs and the Middle East. Let’s be much more introspective as we seek legal means to redress the situation, vide International law and the Constitution. Zopmal.

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Research Work: Emma Zopmal’s thought on Arabization vis-a-vis religious practices

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