Peace is not only the absence of violence, but also the presence of unity, social justice and harmonious living.

It is against this backdrop that Plateau Youth G-17 Peace and Progressive Forum is writing to register its displeasure over the notice to the South-South people living in the North to vacate by a group known as the Arewa Youth at its meeting in Kaduna State.

The call is inimical, retrogressive and irrational to the fragile and relative peace the Country is enjoying and capable of heating the polity and springing violence which could hinder peaceful coexistence.

Nigeria is in a critical moment when citizen should focus on National unity, integration, peace, progress, growth and development not dissipating our energies on meaningless advocacies capable of disuniting us.

We call on security and law enforcement agencies to swing into action by ensuring that those youths that issued such threat are arrested and prosecuted according to the law of the land.

Plateau State being a peaceful, receptive and hospitable is ready to accommodate the South-South people, all Nigeria and others who will bring even development and promote peaceful coexistence.

We call on all Nigeria to speak against such threat, work towards national unity, integration, peace and prosperity of Nigeria.

Long live Plateau State
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Mr. Dachung Musa Bagos
Convener, Plateau Youth G-17 Peace and Progressive Forum
8th June, 2017

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Press Release: Plateau Youth G-17 Peace and Progressive Forum

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