Plateau youths council preaches peace as LG elections draws in line…

As the Local Government Elections to be conducted by Plateau State Electoral Commission (PLASSIEC) draws closer, the leadership of the plateau state youth council  organized a symposium for the 17 Local  government PYC chairmen, coordinators and other relevant stakeholders today  10/8/2018 at Dadin Kowa Youth Centre.

The well attended event witnessed a series of lectures and brainstorming session on the causes of violence, major actors in violence, possible causes of electoral violence on the plateau and the way forward.

The chairman of  Plateau Youths council – Dr. Fabong Yildam Jemjang  who is the convener of event express worries over the conflict that befall the state recently while he sympathize with the victims , he stress that the forth coming elections in the state must see the active participation of youths in the  peace process before and after the elections.

Many who participated in the exercise are optimistic that knowledge acquired would step down to the grass root for a peaceful local government elections.  

The LG elections is to hold on thirteen out of seventeen LGA

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Plateau youths council preaches peace as LG elections draws in line…

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic