Plateau forum Unijos visits IDPs, donates relief materials..


The attacked recently witnessed across the villages of Barkin, Riyom and part of Jos south have left many displaced without shelter or food. The IDPs camp are faced with myriad of problems among which include basic health and food.
Members of the intelligentsia community under the umbrella of plateau forum University of Jos, have extended hands of sympathy to people affected by the attacked and now camped in the institute of Geo science in Anglo D.
The plateau forum according to the leader of the delegation professor Noel Wonnag constitutes both Academics and non-Academic staff at the level of University of Jos.
Professor wonnang express with sadness the tragedy that befall the state and express that “the Forum is deeply touched, hence, as a sign of sympathy and solidarity we decided to get some food , Sanitary pads and some cloths to alleviate the sufferings of our brothers who never plan for this eventuality”
Speaking to viewpointNigeria one of the coordinator of the camp Mrs Vou pwojok express satisfaction with the coming of the forum, Mrs vou thank members of the University of Jos whom she said have been pillars of support from the beginning of the camp. Vou calls on the government at all levels to come to the aid of the IDPS by way of purchasing or providing mattress, food and health facility
Items donated include; two bags of beans, Rice, Pampers, Clothes Shoes, among others.


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Plateau forum Unijos visits IDPs, donates relief materials..

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic