Pictures: Gov Lalong visits flood sites and Plateau specialist hospital

Governor Simon Bako Lalong of Plateau State today, the 14th of June, 2017 visited various flood sites within Jos metropolis which includes, Yingi old airport Rayfield road, miango junction, Donkat Bali Road close to Solomon lar amusement Park, tudun wada ring Road, Apollo crescent.

After inspecting the flood sites, the Governor paid an unscheduled visit to Plateau State Specialist Hospital, Jos.

The Governor during the visit informed the management of the Hospital that he visited to assess the hospital facilities so that the Government can be well informed on the interventions needed in the Hospital.

Responding on behalf of the Hospital management, the Chief Medical Director of the Hospital appreciated the visit of the Governor and lauded his open door policy which has redefined Governance in the State. Furthermore, they listed the inadequacies affecting the Hospital performance to include; poor power supply, infrastructural decay, and the need to shift from analogue to digital equipments among many other complaints.

The Governor in his response assured the management of the Hospital of the commitment of the Rescue Administration to meet the needs of the Hospital as enumerated by the Chief Medical Director, return the Hospital to its true status of a Specialist Hospital and as well carry out reforms poised at making the health sector of Plateau State the best in the country.

Photo Credits: Sumpet Simeon Sumlat


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Pictures: Gov Lalong visits flood sites and Plateau specialist hospital

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