The Nigerian predisposition and the need to put on a new paraphernalia in order not to be taken off guard by the same circles of the Youths (elites) who chose to remain youths from independence till date.

Looking down memory lane and where my country Nigeria stands, I have been held captive by my thoughts; my pen to this discovery is quickly getting exhausted seeing how history is fast fading in the hands of the beholders.

Our system has created a circle of elites who seem to be in control of our dear beloved country. This same circle remains in focus, from back to back, eating the past like a wild fire, consuming the present while mortgaging the remnants of the future.

At this point, I pose to ask, is there any future for the present seventy-five million Nigerian youths? Sadly, the trumpet from the elites says that they are incompetent to be incorporated into corporate governance, assumingly seen to be immature to take responsibilities; and the youths are seen as weapons of destruction rather than assets to our dear nation.

Now, one can say the future is damp, dark cloud behold and need new opening; and as the clarion call becomes imperative, a Penetration of visionaries is needed, ideas need to be pragmatic, policy achievers need to be at the front line, youth’s with Energies will have to be incorporated to achieve a united state of Nigeria. The time is now!

Capturing the Nigerian nationalist struggle from independence, I tend to submit further by making emphasis about the sacrifices of our leaders and clarify the extent and scope of their
struggles; this desperate hundred extra ordinary men and women gave their lives so that Nigerians can be free from the manacles of humiliation, servitude and oppression, however it marks 57 years now with little head way from the agitations of our founding fathers. Quite a pity!

Today everything seems to be the same, like a good music that refused to be better with time; same elites receiving pension back to back, some receiving pensions as ex-military leaders, as ex-governors, and then currently receiving monies as serving senators, ministers, and ambassadors, all from our sovereign wealth. They fought as youths and benefited from the sanity of a system as youths, and they chose to remain youths forever because of the benefits they derive from the system.

If I may ask again, is there any future?
Sadly, we struggle against cult ignorance, mental slavery, against human basic needs, fetid social conditions and diseases, tyranny and want, nepotism and marginalization etc.. None calls for justice, nor any plea for the truth, we are indeed in a quagmire!

Our elites hatch the eggs of vipers and spin a spider’s web, whoever eats their eggs will die and whenever one is broken, an Adler is hatched. Their act of domination is their strongest tool and this gives them lifeline.

My voice! until the Lions (youths) become the story tellers; the tale of the hunt will always exalt the hunter (elite).

We are faced with the ignorance of our past predisposition. As youths we need to put on new stuffs in order not to be taken aback by the manipulations of the 1960 youths who want to remain youths forever.

I advocate for youths injection into the system. This injection should be short changed but with descent rascality so as to inject sanity, mentorship, growth, and other virtues into our system. Our system is quite turgid but the concentration of it is filled up with the youths of yesterday, today, and acclaimed youths of tomorrow (the elites). If we don’t get things right at this point in time, our future will have no story to share with the next generation, not even a folktale because our future has been hijacked by those we have worked for through our old age days. Let us speak up, rise up, and be the difference!

I stand to be part of the problem solvers in bridging the gap, to agitate for inclusive government, make submissions for a level ground of fairness, equity and justice for all which on the long run begets a United States of Nigeria in a more appropriate sense.

I will keep agitating for a move from common good, to better, and best, until my good is better and my better becomes best; i will never rest!

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The Nigerian predisposition and a need for new paraphernalia – Longi Dagwa

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