The New Age Icing Has Fallen On The Church: What Has The Church Turned To?- By Longji Friday Dagwa

If a church is more concerned with budgets and buildings than people, they should close their doors. The church without mercy is a fraud! (John Hagee).
Today in our contemporary society, where we find ourselves is pitiful, and where we are heading at is an undefined destination.
Pastors and clergymen have become small gods and powerful that no one questions their actions be it right or wrong. They have become powerful feudals in their own little ways, and have hypnotized many to join their league.
Our societies today see it often worthy to praise, worship and bow to such men of God because of how rich, professional and powerful they have become in the society. These men of God have taken charge of the lives of their members at different times and some of them have instead o promoting sanity, promoted insanity in some homes.
Africans, Nigerians, are seen to be a very religious set of people and as such anything that comes under the umbrella of religion seems so appealing to many Nigerians.
These clergy persons are often indoctrinated into their various denominations to provide some sense of direction to members of their own congregation. As time goes on, they transcend themselves into small gods making believers no longer comfortable with the church activities and their personalities, turning the churches and ministries into self -styled societies.
Pastors and clergymen are supposed to be traced as voices of the voiceless but the reverse is at hand where the poor have turned into vehicles for oppression, intimidation and exploitation. They keep building dynasties for themselves, country homes, own private jets, built universities and secondary schools with high tuition fees, and maintaining the status quo of exploitation in every nooks and crannies around the country.
How did we find ourselves this coloured?
At this discovery, what went wrong along the line?
“The icing of the cake has come in this past decades via new age movement” whose spectrum is as wide and as varied as the colours in the rainbow, the basic of the tent is that everybody is a god.
“Being a slave to sin is the ultimate bondage”
Jesus said,”if you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples”(john 8:31)
True disciple is more than intellectual assent, for those WHO are really followers of Christ will HOLD To his word.
Action is proof of faith (James 2:17)
Then you will know the Truth and the truth will set you Free (John 8:42).what does it mean that the truth will set you free?
This phrase is a common saying in academic circles that want to promote academic freedom and the power of learning; many universities have this statement emblazoned on a sign near the entrance of a building, but the truth will set you free does not originates in academia.
Jesus had just finished a speech at the temple where He delineated differences between Himself and his listeners
“You are from below, I am not of this world” I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in sin” the result of Jesus massage was that “even as he spoke, many believed in him”(vesrse 32)
Jesus is the Truth (john 14:6) knowing the truth will set one at liberty-free from sin, condemnation and free from death(Romans 6:22,8:1-2)
“Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil but given as sarvents of God (1peter 2:16)
Just as the icing has fallen on the Church today as in some decades past worshiping pastors and clergymen etc..
Like in the days of Israelites, then choose today whom you serve, will you prefer the pastors and clergymen to bow or God of Joshua.(Joshua 24:15).

Longji Friday Dagwa
Mathematician\research\writer And problem solver

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The New Age Icing Has Fallen On The Church: What Has The Church Turned To?- By Longji Friday Dagwa

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