By Nanmwa Golok

Minister of Youths and Sports development Solomon Dalung on Saturday celebrated his 54th birthday with inmates at the Jos prison. Speaking at the occasion, Dalung called for a review of the Criminal Justice system of the country.

He said “Justice is important to peaceful co-existence so there is a need for the review of the criminal Justice system of the country for speedy dispensation of Justice.

Donating groceries, sanitary items and food stuff to the inmates, Dalung said his gesture was to show the inmates that they were not forgotten, though they were temporarily cut off from their normal ways of life.

The Jos prison is dominated by Youths and the President Muhamadu Buhari led administration is determined to better the lives of citizens of the country especially the Youths .” He, therefore, urged them to remain steadfast in prayers and to be of good character and law abiding citizens after the get out of prison.

Dalung also said he would donate some sporting equipment to the prison as well as give money to expedite and facilitate the conditions for the release of some inmates.

Receiving the items, the Controller of Prisons in-charge of Jos prisons, Mr Noel Ailewon , applauded the magnanimity of the minister – saying the kind gesture would give the inmates a sense of belonging. ”

“His visit has proven that he is a friend of the downtrodden “

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Minster of sports Solomon Dalung, celebrates birthday with inmates in Jos prison

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