nHub, an indigenous and leading Jos based IT firm/community which was selected as one of the three centre’s in Nigeria to host the NASA internal apps space challenge has kick-started work on developing the app concepts and mock-ups.

Pulling form its resource pool of IT professionals, graduates and computer whiz-kids, the firm has commenced work on building frame works for the IT apps.

nHub’s work on the apps is being sponsored by Vicampro, Indomie, Bluewhales and other partners.

Below are a selection of pictures of the work which has started.

NASA Space Apps challenge1 NASA Space Apps challenge3 NASA Space Apps challenge4 NASA Space Apps challenge5 NASA Space Apps challenge6 NASA Space Apps challenge7 NASA Space Apps challenge8 NASA Space Apps challenge9 NASA Space Apps challenge10 NASA Space Apps challenge11 NASA Space Apps challenge12 NASA Space Apps challenge13 NASA Space Apps challenge14 NASA Space Apps challenge15 NASA Space Apps challenge16 NASA Space Apps challenge17 NASA Space Apps challenge18 NASA Space Apps challenge19 NASA Space Apps challenge20 NASA Space Apps challenge21 NASA Space Apps challenge22 NASA Space Apps challenge23 NASA Space Apps challenge24 NASA Space Apps challenge25 NASA Space Apps challenge26.jNASA Space Apps challenge2

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Jos based nHub spotlighting IT advancements in Nigeria

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