Factional chair­man of the Ni­geria Gover­nors’ Forum (NGF) and Plateau State Governor,  Jo­nah Jang, has flayed the recent call for military intervention in Nigeria.

Former managing director of Nigerian Breweries, who had a short stint as chair­man of the  National Population Commis­sion (NPC), Mr. Fes­tus Odimegwu, was reported to have advo­cated military rule in an interview with a na­tional newspaper.

Factional chair­man of the Ni­geria Gover­nors’ Forum (NGF) and Plateau State Governor,  Jo­nah Jang, has flayed the recent call for military intervention in Nigeria.

Former managing director of Nigerian Breweries, who had a short stint as chair­man of the  National Population Commis­sion (NPC), Mr. Fes­tus Odimegwu, was reported to have advo­cated military rule in an interview with a na­tional newspaper.

Reacting to the call in a statement signed by the Sole Adminis­trator of the Forum, Earl Osaro Onaiwu, Governor Jang de­scribed the statement credited to Odimeg­wu as disturbing and surprising.

He advised the for­mer NPC chairman to refrain from calling for military rule, remind­ing him that the world had since moved on from regressive mili­tary rule.

The Forum’s chair­man further said a comparison of the gi­ant strides the nation had witnessed within 15 years of civil­ian rule were a sharp contrast to the under development of the country which was the hallmark of decades of military rule. Jang said no Nigerian would like to experience a re­turn to military rule in the history of the coun­try. Also, he urged the military to disregard the call.

“We call on all Nige­rians to resist every at­tempt to denigrate ci­vilian rule, but instead, do a personal evalua­tion and will find that civilian rule has been of immense benefit to all, even though we still have a long way to go owing to the many years of zero invest­ment in basic infra­structure,” Jang said in the statement.

However, he com­mended military per­sonnel for their sacri­fice in the fight against terrorism and urged them to remain fo­cused and committed to their primary role of providing peace and security.

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Jang flays calls for military intervention

| Politics |
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