Jamda the social critic plead Gov Lalong’s intervention over Graduate nurses

Jamda the social critic plead Gov Lalong’s intervention over Graduate nurses

According to Shakespeare “time means to meet” yesterday the 12/04/2018 was a meeting for Jamda the social who was quick towards expressing his concerned and that of many who are graduates of Nursing for over a year now but couldn’t secure hospital for internship on the plateau .

“Nationall council for establishment had earlier in July 2o16 approved a compulsory one year internship for graduate nurses but as it stands it seems every state on picks its own indigents’ and plateau hospital though accepted the interns proposal are yet to act upon” says jamda

The governor who was at a parley with plateau youths at the instance of the larger house of Plateau youths council at Azi Nyako youth centre Dadin Kowa youths centre , in a swift response oblige to look into the matter.
As the hope of this interns rise, in view of the governor’s intervention many youths present will continue to be dazzled by the humility of Governor lalong .

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Jamda the social critic plead Gov Lalong’s intervention over Graduate nurses

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic