…”It’s  up to us to make the world  more humane between now and the day after tomorrow”- Philanthropist Sati Paul, Basketball and advocacy for peace on the plateau


Ali Mazrui the Academic and political author once paint this image in letters “…the world is now our villa and we plan to make it more humane between now and the day after tomorrow” the picture brings to mind the activity of the young Kaduna Born Paul Sati Gombwer who hails from kanke Local Government of plateau State, Central Nigeria in the West African Sub Region but now base in the United states of America

The American Base philanthropist never forgot the fact that the “world is now our villa” neither did he forgot his root. From Kaduna to Jos, the young Sati took the world Game of Basketball to Advocate for peace, play with the orphans, advocate for education and also to evangelize, under a nongovernmental organization known as the Alice Gombwer foundation.

photo of some participants

  ViewPointNigeria gathers that the Alice Gombwer Foundation was name after the memory of the founders (Sati Paul) mother, who passes to the great beyond some five years ago, with the ultimate goal to  help reduce the Number violence in Africa and the world at large in his words “without peace there wouldn’t be development, Empowerment, Education and advancement”

photo credit: Sony Kwaks. some participants collecting Jessey before the match on the first day

In partnership with  CLAPAI ( Child love and protection advocacy initiative )  about 173 participant out of which 40 were orphans took part in the  Jos camp clinic, while about 130 participated in Kaduna State for three days…  When ask by ViewPointNigerias’ correspondence about his passion for a peaceful Africa the young basketball player with a smile responded “my expectation for Africa was very high even before I left Nigeria, I had vision a continent where love and tolerance becomes the order of the day, you know this kids in the IDPS camp   are not suppose to be there, they are suppose to be in their homes like every other children of the world but they are denied such a right due to violence”

ViewPointNigeria also gathered that the Alice Gombwer foundation is registered in the United States and Nigeria respectively. The event is the first of its kind but the organizer hopes to make it an annual event, participants were happy as many went home with gifts of various degrees.

Some Participants who spoke to viewpointnigeria express joy and hopes for more while praying that God sustain and replenish the convener Mr Sati Paul. Indeed Ali  Mazrui  was right because it is up to us to  “make it more humane between now and the day after tomorrow”



      other pictures making the news

photo credit sony Kwaks

second team of players in the clinic @jos, Dadin kowa youths centre

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…”It’s up to us to make the world more humane between now and the day after tomorrow”- Philanthropist Sati Paul, Basketball and advocacy for peace on the plateau

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic