The immediate past Management Committee Chairman of Pankshin LGC,Mr Stephen Abednego Jings has expressed his profound thanks to the rescue Governor,Rt Hon Simon Lalong for trusting him as a worthy servant to pilot the affairs of the LGC for the past ONE YEAR AND TEN MONTHS.Jings stated this earlier today when he received the news of the dissolution of the Management Committees by the Governor which was announce via a breaking news on the state owned media corporation. He said officially the extended tenure of the managements has come to a close as such it should be a surprise as some of them have served their people the best way they can despite not being perfect as humans.He said Governor Lalong has over time demonstrated enough goodwill by allowing them serve thus far.According to him “Anyone who initially came in to serve for three months and ended up serving almost two years should be grateful as such i am thankful to God,Governor Lalong and the People of Pankshin whom i served”. He added that it was a great lesson which life has thought him in handling affairs at the Local Government level in such a capacity considering its nearness to the common man.Stephen Jings said ” Though i may not have lived to the expectations of some,i believe i also did the best i could which has been appreciated by some.I am human and so i worked with my team to ensure that history remembers us as we journey along.We ensured we did not deviate from the mandate the Governor gave us by continuing with what we found on ground and so i believe this will be sustained “.The former Management Committee Chairman said at each point the tenure was about ending,he has continuously prepared a handover note pointing out that his handing over note had been prepared and waiting for the next step that will be taken.He has equally called for prayers for the Lalong adminstration to succeed in its task of building a stronger and more united Plateau.Meantime the former Management Committee Chairman has again restated his resolve not to contest in the forthcoming LG Polls.He said ” While i was on seat as Chairman, i had continuously said i am not interested in contesting and i still stand by that.I never knew i would serve in this capacity so i should be grateful rather than seeking to continue “He said i will handover to my DPM immediately as such i wish to again thank my staff and entire people of Pankshin LGA.MR STEPHEN JINGS.

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I’m grateful to Gov. Lalong for the opportunity to serve the people of Pankshin – Mr. Stephen Jings

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