Umar Mantu, son of former deputy Senate President, Alh. Ibrahim Mantu has tied the knot with his sweetheart in a number of grand ceremonies, spanning 3 weeks.

He married Orobosa, the daughter of the Esama of Benin (Chief Gabriel Igbinedion). After the traditional wedding ceremony which took place on September 24 to much aplomb, the Wedding Fatiyya held at Abuja on Friday, October 7, and the bride held nothing back with her bridal dress.

A Wedding Fatiya [Or Fatiha, depending on preference] is a ceremony where the bride’s family hosts a reception in their home.

The groom then formally asks for the bride’s hand in marriage from her father or the eldest man in the family – in this instance, Chief Igbinedion was available to hand over his daughter’s hands to her betrothed.

For the occasion, Orobosa the bride decided to go with a lovely flowing gown designed by London-based couture, Ralph and Russo.

Her bridesmaids, Tania Omotayo and Nene Ibru look just as pretty in their matching shimmery, figure-hugging golden dresses.

A wedding dinner has been planned to hold in South Africa on October 22nd.

Umar Mantu & Igbenedion wedding

Umar Mantu & Igbenedion wedding

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Ibrahim Mantu’s son & the Esama of Benin’s daughter marry (Pictures)

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