“I will stand in the gap for women”, Mrs Nentawe to Plateau Women…

Dr. Martina Yilwatda today engages different women groups under the platform of NCWS, with a solemn promise to stand in the gap for women.

The engagement, held at the women centre. Dr. Martina gave the story of her husband who she said is a victim of crises and who believes all human beings are equal, and must not suffer violence.

Dr. Martina explain to the Women the ACCES Agenda of Generation Next, stressing that 10 percent of the IGR will deployed to under the Vulnerable funds.

on my part as a woman, by the grace of God i will be there for women, i will create an open door policy for all women…I will stand in the gap for women, and hermonize women groups for positive engagements

On the gender law, Dr. Martina promised that collectively, she would hermonize women to see to the implementation of the Gender law…

You all would assist me, develop a road map that would organized us as women” Dr. Martina added

cross section of women in session

count | 90

“I will stand in the gap for women”, Mrs Nentawe to Plateau Women…

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic