Hon. Denty Laven advocates for legislative framework to address drug abuse and the consumption of Goskolo.

The Plateau assembly Member is championing for a legislative support system to combat the issue of Drugs Abuse and goskolo intake, especially among the youth. During today’s session at the Plateau state House of assembly, Hon. Denty Jacob Laven, along with Chollom Dickson, collaborated on a bill targeting illicit drugs and goskolo consumption. This initiative is timely, responding to the growing concerns expressed by community leaders. In Jos, Nigeria, local rehab centers are observing a notable rise in admissions due to drug abuse, raising alarms about a developing crisis within the community. The factors driving this surge remain unclear, but health experts suggest that stress, social isolation, and the increased availability of certain substances could be contributing factors.

Hon. Denty Jacob Laven emphasizes that “The escalation of drug abuse has far-reaching consequences, affecting public safety, family cohesion, and workplace efficiency. Law enforcement agencies are struggling to address the surge in drug-related crimes, while families are grappling with the destructive impact of addiction on their loved ones.” The assembly member stresses the necessity for a comprehensive approach to tackle this issue, advocating for legislative support to safeguard our communities and constituencies.

Hon. Denty Laven asserts, “Addiction should be viewed as a medical condition, not a moral flaw. We must establish a supportive environment for individuals to seek help without fear of judgment.” The surge in drug abuse underscores the urgency of sustained efforts to combat this intricate problem. Through collaborative efforts and a robust legal framework, such as the one we are currently crafting, communities can foster a safer and healthier atmosphere for all.

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  Hon. Denty Laven advocates for legislative framework to address drug abuse and the consumption of Goskolo.

| Health & Lifestyle, News |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic