Graduating students on the plateau identified MENTORING as a problem

Grduating students across plateau state identified mentoring as a problem in employment opportunities and in business.

The program organized by the Joint Campus Commitee of NANS , with the theme : The Afflictions of the 21st Century Menace of Unemployment amongst Graduates in Nigeria : the Way Forward.

Guest speakers in the occassion include, The Director General of ITF Sir Joseph Ari, Mr. Joseph Lengman, DG plateau peace building agency and Mr, Luka Panpe  a lecturer with Plateau State polythicnic.

While speaking , Luka Panpe paints the situation as a “pity” because the youth to his definition is a “state of poverty” and  “not age”.

Panpe concludes that leadership is a serious business, because the “opposite of leadership is not followership but rulership”. Hence,  he calls the youths to shun “nepotism”, “sluggishness of proactiveness  by leaders” “avoid hate talks on social media” among many other vices hindering and adding to the menace of unemployment.



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Graduating students on the plateau identified MENTORING as a problem

| Education, News |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic