Gowon foundation sensitize Plateau women on causes and prevention of cervical cancer

by Nanmwa Golok

A Consultant Gynaecologist with Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) Francis Ajang, has said that there are projections that 15 million new cases of cervical cancer will be recorded globally annually by 2020. Ajang made the disclosure at the weekend in Fobur, Jos East Local Government during a sensitization of rural women and girls on causes and prevention of cervical cancer organised by Yakubu Gowon Foundation (YGF) The Consultant said that about 10 million new cases are recorded annually with seven million deaths each year. “In sub Saharan Africa, a woman dies from cervical cancer every 10 minutes. And 8, 000 new cases of cervical cancer are recorded every year in Nigeria,” he said. He said that cervical cancer could be cause through infections into the cervix, which are later transfer through unprotected sex.

According to him, oral sex can as well led to throat cancer when semen is been released by the sex partner (man) into a female’s throat. Ajang stated that avoiding unhealthy life style is very important and advised women and girls to imbibe the habit of constant checkups which would help in dictating the symptoms and can also be handle in time. The symptoms according to him include abnormal vaginal bleeding, bleeding after sex and other abnormal discharges. Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University of Jos. Theresa Madu, , on behalf of YGF said that the need for awareness on cervical cancer at the grass root was necessary considering the rising cases of the disease among women in Nigeria.

Madu stated that both male and females needs to be educated on how cervical cancer can cause undesirable pain to a happy family. The DVC charged participants to take advantage of the seminar for the good of their health and a healthy family in the country. Dr. Ngozi Agomoh, another expert said that educating the women on the general of taken care of the females genital organs.
Agomoh tasked the women and young girls to always go for breasts checkup once in a month after their period for early detection of any case of cancer in their body. According her, even through it was difficult to treat the cancer its full grown stage, it can managed effectively if detected early. Wife of Jos East Management Committee Chairman Rifkatu Barde, thanked Gowon Foundation for taking the awareness campaign to their area. Barde called on the participants to make good use of the knowledge acquired from the seminar to stay healthy

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Gowon foundation sensitize Plateau women on causes and prevention of cervical cancer

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