As part of ViewPointNigeria’s efforts to profile prominent politicians ahead of 2015, we caught up with Senator GNS Pwajok to discuss the state of affairs in the Plateau political scene, allegations of financial impropriety levelled against the Jang administration and a sundry of other issues. Below are excerpts of the discussion.

VPN: Unlike other states of the federation, where the gubernatorial race has commenced in earnest, only deafening silence can be heard from Plateau –why is this?

As part of ViewPointNigeria’s efforts to profile prominent politicians ahead of 2015, we caught up with Senator GNS Pwajok to discuss the state of affairs in the Plateau political scene, allegations of financial impropriety levelled against the Jang administration and a sundry of other issues. Below are excerpts of the discussion.

VPN: Unlike other states of the federation, where the gubernatorial race has commenced in earnest, only deafening silence can be heard from Plateau –why is this?

I disagree slightly with the assertion that the Plateau political scene has been quiet. If you look critically, you will see that in the past few months, there have been a lot of consultations and parleys between different stakeholders – all these consultations have been happening outside public view, which perhaps is the reason why people think the political scene is quiet. But as it stands, all these events are leading up to a massive build-up ahead of the gubernatorial race.

But again, one of the reasons why some politicians have remained contemplative and pensive about their aspiration to this point, is because the achievements of the Jang administration has been so ground breaking and inspirational that most of these politicians have found themselves in some sort of cul-de-sac and in awe of the achievement. They would therefore rather consult him for his approbation and sanction (out of the respect they have for him), than to throw their hats too early into the ring.

That said, it is not news that several politicians have already commenced earnest politicking –you only have to drive through Jos to see the posters and billboards.

VPN: There has been ferocious debate in Plateau about zoning. In your opinion does it exist or not?

The concept of zoning is nice and equitable. It gives everyone an equal shot and opportunity for leadership.

Zoning agreement can be very crucial in politics, if clearly drafted into a “living” document, ratified by all parties and implemented in accordance with the guidelines agreed. If this is not the case; and ratification and signed-off is not undertaken by all parties, it would become a matter of mere insinuation, speculation and argument, leading to confusion, dis-unity and a heated polity –akin to what we are seeing in Plateau today.

Understandably, with the impending electioneering period, there are arguments and counter arguments about zoning and whether it exists or not. In my opinion, I am not aware of any agreement about such a principle in the Gubernatorial, Senate or House of Reps levels. You can perhaps argue that some pacts were made during the recent Chairmanship and House of Assembly elections, but I can not remember any pact or agreement in respect of gubernatorial elections in Plateau. And to illustrate my point, from 1999 till date, every zone has contested during every gubernatorial race. No zone was ever barred from contesting on the purported existence of a zoning principle. And so if there was a zoning agreement, surely aspirants from the ineligible zone would have been called to order and asked to drop for the eligible candidates. Since this did not happen, you can be the judge as to whether or not zoning exist or not.

Again, if you listen to the advocates of the purported zoning, their position does not appear coherent and sensible because they seem to just be saying, “it is our turn” without providing a cogent basis as to why this may be the case.

VPN: Two weeks ago, weighty allegations of financial impropriety were levelled against the person of the Governor. Could you respond to this?

It is great to have the opportunity to respond to some of these allegations.

To put the entire saga into context, we are in an election year, so these kinds of allegations are really nothing out of the ordinary. It is typical for politicians to mudsling before elections in a bid to score political points. Government is very aware of this political strategy/philosophy so it does not take it personally, because we know the allegations are guided by political aims as opposed to real accusations of wrongdoing. Which is why after considering the accusations, Government in its wisdom decided that the document did not merit a response and hence the initial disregard. And I shall explain why the document was disgarded:

Firstly the document was sign-off by an anonymous person, on behalf of a yet to be identified group. The phone number supplied by the anonymous person as his contact number was fake (it had 10 digits instead of 11). The address supplied, as contact details were fictitious and does not exist. So, just on the basis of these, you can see that the document in its entirety is spurious, inauthentic and without merit, because if such weighty allegations are made about Government, the person behind it should look at Government eye-ball-to-eye-ball and make his accusations, as opposed to just hiding in the bedroom and trying to stir animosity in Plateau. Since the person refused to identify him/herself it shows that the points raised were merely cooked-up to stir mischief. Therefore from a professional standpoint, Government decided that since the document appears to be somewhat of a child’s play it did not warrant a response.

Furthermore, the language used in the document was highly insultive, confrontational and denigrates the Honourable Speaker and Members. It called the Speaker names and then went on to allege that the Speaker and the House had been paid in foreign currency by the Government to look the other way while the state resources were plundered away. Simply looking at the document on the basis of the language used, suggests that the author disgruntledly sat in the privacy of their room and fabricated the allegations to stir up dissent and mischief. Because surely if the author’s aim was to initiate real debate, discussion and an investigation into these allegations, then the tone would be a lot more professional and guarded than the insults rained on Government officials.

Now, having explained how spurious the entire document is, I shall, for the sake of clarity and to set the record straight, respond to some of the allegations:

(1) Allegation that N50 billion worth of SURE-P funds for Plateau State has been squandered needlessly.

I am a member of the SURE-P committee at the federal level and therefore I can give you first hand information about this. The total SURE-P accruals to Plateau state per month is approx. N220 million. So in a year that would amount to approx. N2.7 billion (not N50 billion as sensationally alleged in the document). There is a massive difference between N2.5 billion and the fictitious figure of N50 billion quoted by the faceless group. As such, if you look at the allegations on their merit, you will see that just on the basis of the numbers, these allegations do not add up. They were merely cooked up for political blackmail.

Now to the allegation that SURE-P money was squandered by the Jang administration, I can tell you that what the Governor did with SURE-P accruals is actually highly commendable not condemnable. In his wisdom, he set up a separate account for all SURE-P accruals, and as I speak to you the largesse is being held in an account ahead of being used for a designated project shortly.

(2) About the allegation that N500 million was spent for celebrating the 70th birthday of the Governor and that the guest, which including past presidents, the Senate President, Senators, Past and Present Governors, Ministers and Traditional leaders had to be enticed to attend.

I’d say it is denigrating for anyone to insinuate that respectable citizens such as General Yakubu Gowon, the Senate president David Mark etc are all so low on morals and self dignity that the State Government had to bribe or entice them to attend. Such callous statements appear just aimed at stirring dissent as opposed to stimulating any meaningful thought.

Additionally, N500 million is a lot of money –there is no how a financially prudent Governor like Jonah Jang would approve such money for his birthday. If you know anything about Jonah Jang, you will know that he does not like the limelight. Even when he has finalised a massive project, and there is an opportunity for him to be in the news or in the limelight bragging about it, he would decline and would rather have the project commissioned without any fireworks. That is the nature of the man; so saying that he spent N500 million for his birthday celebration is simply not true.

(3) About the allegation that SURE-P money accrued to Local Governments were not released to them for the past 3 years.

It would interest you to know that the Governor in his wisdom considered that Local Government SURE-P money had to be used for people oriented projects only. And therefore he decided that since the Local Government Councils (at the time) were not yet being governed by elected representatives, it would be criminal to allocate such funds to un-elected transition committee chairmen for projects. He therefore decided to withhold the funds, pending when elections were held and elected officials take their place –so that they can undertake people bearing projects.

I think what he has done in terms of withholding the funds and releasing to the elected Chairmen is absolutely commendable because it means that Transition Committee Chairmen, who do not have the mandate of the people will not have control of the funds meant for the people and therefore misappropriation is controlled. Monies are only released to the chairmen whom the people have actually voted as opposed to appointees. So if funds are held, as it was alleged –there are justifiable reasons for this.

The other allegations do not even warrant a response, because when people say that the Governor has simply been nepotic in the execution of projects by concentrating them mainly in the Northern Senatorial zone, I ask the question – Is Jos not the capital of Plateau? Is that not where most of the population (25%) of Plateau reside? Why does it not make sense to develop the capital city, which has the highest concentration of individuals. So for instance, when late Joseph Gomwalk, the much revered Governor was in power, he concentrated most of his projects in the Northern Senatorial zone and that was fine by everyone, but now if Jang does so, it is considered nepotism? I disagree! I think J D Gomwalk was a great Plateau patriot who executed projects in an admirable way –and so is Jonah Jang.

The remainder of the allegations are just as spurious as what I have outlined above and I doubt we have the time for me to respond to all the allegations. So I encourage people to find the document and consider it themselves.

VPN: With 2015 looming, what are your plans? Are you going to return to the Senate or would we see you in another capacity in Plateau state?

Tomorrow is in the hands of God, so I shall not speculate or pre-empt what God’s plan will may be. It is important that we as human beings plan as much as we can but generally, man proposes but God disposes.

And the foregoing statement is especially relevant given that I recently emerged from a health challenge. That experience, helped to put a lot into perspective for me –whatever you have to do, commit it to God and he would make your path straight.

As I mentioned in my previous Interview with ViewPointNigeria, I started as a lecturer at the University and never dreamt for once that I will become Senator. But God continued to advance me from one role to another –from Director of Research all the way to where I am today. Therefore I doubt him not, my entire life is in his hands.

I never sat down to plan a political future for myself, so I still operate under the same philosophy, that God holds my destiny and he shall steer it accordingly.

Its been a great pleasure speaking to you again ViewPointNigeria, keep on the good work.

This interview was conducted with Senator GNS Pwajok on 14th June 2014.

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GNS Pwajok (Interview): Talks about 2015 and allegations of financial impropriety against PLSG

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