“WHERE DID WE GET IT WRONG?” By Vilret Enoch John

Apparently concerned about the Nigerian socio-political realities, and the teeming population of the youths, the speaker of Northern youth assemble, plateau state chapter and the a past National president of National association of plateau state students (NAPSS NATIONAL) lend his voice in brief but thoughtful poem “where  did we get it wrong”? a question for all to ponder as we look up to a better days ahead excerpt below:

Where did we get it wrong?


Vilret Enoch John, Jos  plateau state.

=We got it all wrong from the day we looked at our Brother in the eye from a different geopolitical zone with much hate

=We got it all wrong from the day we looked at our Brothers/Sisters who are genuinely successful as ritualists, prostitutes and all sorts of defamatory names

= We got it wrong from the day negative sentiment characterized our national life

= We got it wrong from the day we started insulting our leaders instead of correcting them and demanding for accountability and transparency in governance.

=We got it wrong from the day our Stakeholders refused to used their political influence to bring development to the state, but instead prefer to enrich their families and care less about the state and future generations

=We got it all wrong from the day we refused to sit together and discuss the progress of our state and respect each other’s ideas and thoughts

=We got it all wrong from the day we started needless and avoidable fight against each other on the altar of dirty politics.

= We got it wrong because we refused to help each other to move forward because we are not in the same party; how sad!

=We got it wrong from the day we started fighting people because their ideas are different from those of our political mentors or godfathers

=We got it wrong from the day we refused to take plateau first before anything

=we got it wrong from the day Our house fell flat and the fence covering it from the enemies also fell and we refused to rebuild it. Quite tragic!

= We got it wrong the day strangers walked in and took over the potion left for us by our ancestors. Truly sad!

=We got it wrong from the day we started wondering in the wilderness and no one could stand for us, we are left in the sharp forest , returning is becoming difficult.

= Wake up Plateau and see the cloud that covers us from seeing the sun.

=Wake up plateau youth and see the eclipse that covers the moon from shining.




We can’t continue to talk and write long speeches without a corresponding action. Actions are reflections of the heart. Therefore, it is incumbent on us all to build lofty ideas and take action to reposition Plateau state for sustainable growth and development. It’s time for a better future. Plateau deserves the best.

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“WHERE DID WE GET IT WRONG?” By Vilret Enoch John

| Opinion |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic