By Nanmwa Golok – Jos

Female hostel in the Jos campus of the Plateau State Polytechnic was razed down by fire in the early hours of monday morning. Our correspondent gathered that the fire outbreak started around 8.30 a.m. A student who only gave her name as Femicit said the fire threw the entire school into confusion as students and staff making fruitless efforts to put out the inferno. “Many students had left for lectures when the fire started; no one was around to remove anything from the burning hostel,” she said .

When contacted the Mr Dauda Gyemang, the Rector of the institution, described the incident as “shocking and attributed it to a gas explosion which occurred “at about 8.30 a.m.” “We thank God that no life was lost in the inferno, but nothing was rescued,” he said. Gyemang said that the incident was “a great loss” to the institution. “We shall move the students to another place because the building is completely burnt down. It is very devastating,” he said.

The Rector wondered why the students were keeping cooking gas in the hostel, saying that it was against the school’s regulations. “The problem here is that students do not adhere to the institution’s regulations; they are not supposed to be cooking in the hostels,” he fumed. Gyemang said that the burnt building would be rehabilitated soon and called on students to be calm .


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Fire ravages female hostel of the Plateau state polytechnic

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