Dr. Orlando establishes Bumbs and keloid treatment Centre in Jos

I am DR Orlando!
I am a dermatologist, with specialty in the treatment of bumps and keloid. This problem has become seemingly persistent among individuals. In some instances, people barb and are left with small rashes; these rashes grow up and become bumps and in some instances, keloid. One’s skin texture can also lead to one’s infection with keloid whenever one is exposed to certain causal factors. A lot of persons have the feelings that keloid and bumps cannot be treated, but here a treatment model that can help infected persons arrive at permanent cure. At BK Bumps and keloid treatment centre along Zarmaganda Rayfild Road, Jos, you can get treated of this skin ailment through our evidence based treatment model.
For further enquiries and booking, please contact us on:
Thanks for your patronage.
Dr Orlando
CEO, BK Bumps and Keloid.

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Dr. Orlando establishes Bumbs and keloid treatment Centre in Jos

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