DELUSION OF A NATION-Opinions from a concerned citizen.

Opinions from a concerned citizen. Sendi. Dauda.

In Nigeria, government will generate revenue in billions, collect loans in trillions, billions and millions at federal, state and local government levels respectively, and also benefit from counterpart funding. At the end of the year, you barely see any tangible changes on ground. The few that are benefiting from the largesse will always maintain table manners while the majority face the negative impact of multidimensional poverty. The councilors, house of assembly members, members of the house of representatives and the senate are alleged to be “rubber stamp”. The citizens become powerless and voiceless because of fear of being silenced by the state, while some are affected by Stockholm syndrome.

Which way Nigerians?! People are dying daily because they can’t afford to foot medical bills, young people are initiated into gangs daily as alternative ways for survival, hookup (prostitution) is a normal thing now: this is because what they budgeted, loans they collected and revenue they generated for the citizens are diverted, mismanaged or laundered, and no one dares challenge the government for accountability. If you try asking for accountability, his political party, religious members, community people etc. will call it “witch hunt” or “it’s our turn”. Which way Nigerians?! We have succeeded in normalizing wrongdoing to the extent that when someone is doing the right thing, it becomes weird to many. In the true sense of it, we have the POWER as citizens to effect the change we need. Nigeria First.

Therefore, no one should disturb President Trump for halting foreign aid (for America first). We have all it takes to cater for everyone. Just do the right thing wherever you are.

Opinions from a concerned citizen.

Sendi Dauda
Development and Peace building consultant
[email protected]

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DELUSION OF A NATION-Opinions from a concerned citizen.

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About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic