Da Pamson Dagyat-The GNS Effect

The GNS Effect

By Da Pamson Dagyat.

Once upon a time in living memory, Sen. GNS Pwajok was the candidate of the ruling Party ‘the PDP’. His closest rival was Rt Hon Bako Lalong of an obscured political party at that time ‘the APC’.

All parameters of assessment such as:
i active participation in governance,
Ii. clear understanding of Plateau the Philosophy and
iii. rational acumen in decision making etc

The late Sen GNS towered all rivals including Lalong; but for the inglorious hyped propaganda and lies Plateau lost an opportunity for positive leadership.

In summary, everyone including other candidates are in one accord that GNS was the best except that he was sponsored by Jang the sitting Governor. The outcome is now history.

Fast forward to 2023; a similar scenario has manifested, that Nentawe towered other rivals in terms of his programs, preparedness and engagements with the electorates.

He is acknowledged the best but must be rejected because Nentawe is sponsored by Governor Lalong! So the clarion call to crudity him blaze the airwave and media.

Nentawe’s crime like Sen GNS is that he is sponsored by the sitting Governor. Same circumstances, same reasons and if allowed to fester we will end up with same results.

I stand with the Best!
I stand with Nentawe!!

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Da Pamson Dagyat-The GNS Effect

| News, Opinion, Politics |
About The Author
- Citizen Journalist, public Opinion Analyst Writer and Literary critic