The spokesman of the Special Task Force (STF) in Plateau State, Captain Salisu Mustapha has stated that a syndicate of 15 men and 1 woman have been arrested by STF for cow rustling activities in Barkin Ladi and Riyom Local Government areas.

He said the syndicate were responsible for some of the dastard acts of rustling that have plagued the area in the recent past, leading to several attacks and counter attacks. Captain Mustapha said that their modus operandi was such that they ambushed herdsmen who were grazing their cattle, before stealing their cows.

The spokesman of the Special Task Force (STF) in Plateau State, Captain Salisu Mustapha has stated that a syndicate of 15 men and 1 woman have been arrested by STF for cow rustling activities in Barkin Ladi and Riyom Local Government areas.

He said the syndicate were responsible for some of the dastard acts of rustling that have plagued the area in the recent past, leading to several attacks and counter attacks. Captain Mustapha said that their modus operandi was such that they ambushed herdsmen who were grazing their cattle, before stealing their cows.

In describing the importance of the arrests, he stated that the activities of these individual was partly responsible for why the Beroms and Fulani’s have been at loggerheads for a long time.

Confirming the identities of the rustlers, he said the syndicate comprised both Fulani, and Plateau natives as members and they worked concertedly to achieve their dastard objectives.

He confirmed that the arrests were made due to intelligence gathering by vigilantes in the area and that the syndicate were found with dangerous weapons in their possession. He further said that investigations were currently ongoing to understand who the buyers of the stolen cows were and that once this was established a move would be taken to arrest the buyers too.

The arrest of this syndicate would be met with mixed feelings in Plateau, because the STF has been unable to prevent attacks on Plateau citizens and people are getting dis-illusioned with their activities. 

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Cow rustling syndicate comprising both Fulani and Plateau natives smashed by STF in Plateau

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